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Tinatin Djaqeli (Bagration) d. 1610

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Lineage Djaqeli
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Tinatin Djaqeli
Other last names Bagration

Manouchehr II Jaqeli [Jaqeli] b. after 1550 d. 1614



marriage: Rostom Ier d'Iméréthie [Bagration] b. 1571 d. 1605

from 1588 - 1589 title: reine consort en Iméréthie

from 1590 - 1605 title: reine consort en Iméréthie

1610 death:


  1. - * Voir, second Royaume d'Iméréthie liste des conjointes des souverains d'Iméréthie
  2. Sources - Voir la version géorgienne pour les sources.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Vakhtang I of Mukhrani
birth: about 1511
title: from 1539 - 1580, prince de Moukhran
title: from 1569 - 1579, régent de Karthli
death: 1 October 1580
Эрекле Багратион
birth: 1527
other: 1540, ჩანს
marriage: Елена Багратиони
death: 1556
Archil of Mukhrani
other: 1540, ჩანს
death: 25 November 1582
Alexander of Mukhrani
other: 1550, ჩანს
death: after 1604
Jonathan of Mukhrani
birth: about 1548
death: after 1572
Guldapar of Mukhrani
death: after 1572
Dedeshmedi of Mukhrani
birth: 1537
marriage: w Kaikhosro II Jaqeli
title: from 1545 - 1573, princesse consort de Samtskhé
title: from 1573 - 1581, régente de Samtskhé
death: 26 August 1580
მზეჭაბუკ ჯაყელი
birth: before 1522
death: 1532
Kaikhosro II Jaqeli
birth: 13 February 1522
marriage: Dedeshmedi of Mukhrani
title: from 1545 - 1573, Prince of Samtskhe
death: 29 September 1573
marriage: 4 September 1578
Иоана или Янко Джакели
birth: 29 April 1563
death: 20 March 1575
Qvarqvaré ou Kvarkvaré VI Jakéli
birth: about 1546
marriage: Marekhi Dadiani (Djaqeli, Bagration)
title: from 1574 - 1581, atabeg de Samtskhé
divorce: Marekhi Dadiani (Djaqeli, Bagration)
death: 26 November 1581
Basile Djaqeli
birth: 12 August 1564
death: 3 September 1579
Béka III Paul Jakéli ou Saphar ou Safer Pacha
birth: 12 August 1564
title: from 1625 - 1635, pacha d’Akhaltsikhé
death: 1635
Твал-Швенир Джакели
death: between 23 August 1579 and 1583
Manouchehr II Jaqeli
birth: after 1550
marriage: Элена Багратион Картлийская
title: from 1576 - 1578, régent du Samtskhe
title: from 1581 - 1614, Prince of Samtskhe
death: 1614
== 3 ==
Manoutchar III Jakéli
title: from 1614 - 1625, atabeg de Samtskhé
death: 1625, empoisonné
Rostom Ier d'Iméréthie
birth: 1571
marriage: Tinatin Djaqeli (Bagration)
title: from 1588 - 1589, roi d'Iméréthie
title: from 1590 - 1605, roi d'Iméréthie
death: 1605
Tinatin Djaqeli (Bagration)
marriage: Rostom Ier d'Iméréthie
title: from 1588 - 1589, reine consort en Iméréthie
title: from 1590 - 1605, reine consort en Iméréthie
death: 1610
== 3 ==

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