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Daredjan Bagration (Gouriel, Abachidzé)

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Lineage Bagration-Imérétie
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Daredjan Bagration
Other last names Gouriel, Abachidzé

Bagrat V Bagrationi-Imereti (Bagration of Imereti) [Bagration-Imeretinsky] b. 1647 d. 1681

Тетя Багратион-Мухранскaя (Багратионы-Имеретинские) [Багратионы-Мухранские]



marriage: 2, Паата Абашидзе [Абашидзе]

title: princesse par naissance

1677 marriage: 1, Георгий IV Гуриели [Гуриели] d. 1684

from 1681 - 1682 title: reine consort en Iméréthie

1682 other: répudiation, Георгий IV Гуриели [Гуриели] d. 1684


Elle fut la fille de Bagrat.


  1. Sources - Voir textes en géorgien
  2. - Wikipedia fr Iméréthie

From grandparents to grandchildren

Ростом Батонишвили
birth: about 1619
death: 1639
Бери Батонишвили
birth: about 1603
death: calculated 1639
Vakhtang V de Moukhran ou Vakhtang II ou Bakhouta Beg ou Chah Navaz Khan
birth: 1618
marriage: Родама Каплана Орбелиани (Багратионa)
title: from 1634 - 1 January 1659, prince de Moukhran
adoption: 1653, adopté par Rostom, khan de Karthli
title: from 1653 - 1 January 1659, administrateur du royaume de Karthli
title: from 1 January 1659 - September 1676, tsar de Karthli
marriage: Mariam Dadiani (de Gourie, Bagration en Moukhranie) , 3
death: September 1676, province de Gandja de l'Empire Perse (aujourd'hui en république d'Azerbaïdjan)
burial: Qom, près de Téhéran de l'Empire Perse
Луарсаб Багратион
other: 1620
death: 1629
Арчил Багратион
other: 1618
other: 1637
Давид Багратион
other: before 1618
other: 1631
Ираклий Багратион
other: before 1618
other: 1676
Constantine I of Mukhrani
birth: about 1618
title: from 1659 - 1667, Prince of Mukhrani
death: 1667
Papua Bagrationi-Mukhraneli
birth: 1651
marriage: თამარ ლევანის ასული აბაშიძე
title: from 1692 - 1696, Prince of Mukhrani
death: February 1717
Davit Bagrationi-Mukhraneli
birth: 1667
death: 1728, 5.11.
Kristepore Bagrationi-Moukhraneli
birth: before 1667
death: 1700
== 3 ==
Alexandre IV d’Iméréthie
birth: Koutaïssi, royaume d'Iméréthie
title: 1681, roi d'Iméréthie
title: from 1683 - 1689, roi d'Iméréthie
title: from 1691 - 1695, roi d'Iméréthie
marriage: Tamar Abaschidzé (Bagration-Imérétie, Tchikovani)
death: 1695
Daredjan Bagration (Gouriel, Abachidzé)
marriage: Паата Абашидзе
title: princesse par naissance
marriage: Георгий IV Гуриели , 1
title: from 1681 - 1682, reine consort en Iméréthie
other: Георгий IV Гуриели , répudiation
== 3 ==

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