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Tommaso Janssens b. 13 January 2005

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Lineage Janssens
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Tommaso Janssens

Marie-Élisabeth Zellinger de Balkany [Zellinger] b. 2 March 1972

Olivier Janssens [Janssens]


13 January 2005 birth:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Витторио Эмануэле Альберто Карло Теодоро Умберто Бонифачо Амедео Дамиано Бернардино Дженнаро Мария Савойский
birth: 12 February 1937, Неаполь, Королевство Италия
title: Принц Неаполя
title: Герцог Савойский
marriage: Marina Ricolfi-Doria , Las Vegas, standesamtlich
marriage: Marina Ricolfi-Doria , Teheran, Iran, kirchlich
death: 3 February 2024, Женева, Швейцария
burial: Турин, Пьемонт, Италия, Суперга
Marie-Béatrice de Savoie
birth: 2 February 1943, Quirinalspalast, Rom, Italien
title: Princesse de Savoie
marriage: Luis Rafael Reyna-Corvalán y Dillon , Mexico
Marie-Gabrielle de Savoie
birth: 24 February 1940, Neapel, Italien
title: Princesse de Savoie
marriage: Robert Zellinger de Balkany , Civil
marriage: Robert Zellinger de Balkany , Èze, Religieux
divorce: Robert Zellinger de Balkany
Robert Zellinger de Balkany
birth: 4 August 1931, Iclod (Cluj), Rumänien
marriage: Marie-Gabrielle de Savoie , Civil
marriage: Marie-Gabrielle de Savoie , Èze, Religieux
divorce: Marie-Gabrielle de Savoie
death: 19 September 2015, Genf, Schweiz
== 3 ==
Gabriella Janssens
birth: 7 March 2004
Louis Janssens
birth: 2009
Tommaso Janssens
birth: 13 January 2005
== 3 ==

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