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Thaïs de Montaudoüin b. 27 January 2001

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Lineage Montaudouin
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Thaïs de Montaudoüin

Alexandra de Witt [Witt] b. 13 March 1969


27 January 2001 birth:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Véra de Witt
birth: 7 November 1945, Tunesien
marriage: Godefroy de Commarque
Napoléon Serge de Witt
birth: 1942, Tunesien
death: 1942, Tunesien
Yolande de Witt
birth: 9 January 1943
death: 6 July 1945
Isabelle de Witt
birth: 26 January 1949
marriage: Remmest Laan , Vienne (Autriche)
Baudoin de Witt
birth: 24 January 1947, Tunesien
marriage: Isabelle de Rocca-Serra , Frankreich
Isabelle de Rocca-Serra
birth: 8 January 1950, Vienne (Autriche)
marriage: Baudoin de Witt , Frankreich
Alexandra de Witt
birth: 13 March 1969
marriage: 8 July 1995
== 3 ==
Élia de Montaudoüin
birth: 9 December 1998, Paris (75)
Thaïs de Montaudoüin
birth: 27 January 2001
== 3 ==

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