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Stéphanie Biron de Courlande b. 24 September 1975

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Lineage Biron
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Stéphanie Biron de Courlande

Michael Biron de Courlande [Biron] b. 20 January 1944

Kristin von Oertzen (Biron) [Oertzen] b. 6 November 1944


24 September 1975 birth:

13 September 2008 marriage: Georg Güber [Güber]

From grandparents to grandchildren

Oscar de Prusse
birth: 12 July 1915, Potsdam
death: 5 September 1939, Pologne
Burchard von Preussen
birth: 8 January 1917, Potsdam
marriage: Eleonore Fugger von Babenhausen , München
death: 12 August 1988, Hof bei Salzburg
Wilhelm Karl von Preußen
birth: 30 January 1922, Potsdam, Deutschland
marriage: Armgard von Veltheim , Schloss Destedt, Niedersachsen
death: 9 April 2007, Deutschland
Herzeleide von Preussen
birth: 25 December 1918, Schorssow, Bristow
title: from 25 December 1918 - 15 August 1938, Princesse de Prusse
title: from 15 August 1938 - 22 March 1989, Princesse de Courland
marriage: Charles Biron de Courlande , Potsdam, Deutschland
death: 22 March 1989, München, Bayern
Charles Biron de Courlande
birth: 15 June 1907
title: prince de Courlande
marriage: Herzeleide von Preussen , Potsdam, Deutschland
death: 28 February 1982, Munich, Allemagne
== 3 ==
== 3 ==

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