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Souad Bouhajeb (Dite Fattouma) b. 24 December 1916 d. 19 October 2005

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Lineage Bouhajeb
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Souad Bouhajeb
Other last names Dite Fattouma
Other given names Fattouma

Hassine Bouhajeb [Bouhajeb] b. 20 October 1872 d. 13 March 1946

Khadija Bahri [Bahri]


24 December 1916 birth:

child birth: Zohra Lasram [Lasram]

child birth: Samia Lasram [Lasram]

child birth: Ilham Lasram [Lasram]

child birth: Dalenda Lasram [Lasram]

child birth: Mohamed Lasram [Lasram] bur. 21 November 2020

child birth: Emna Lasram [Lasram]

child birth: Hédia Lasram [Lasram]

marriage: Mohsen Lasram [Lasram]

19 October 2005 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Salem Bouhajeb
birth: between 1824 and 1827, Bembla, Tunisie
marriage: Fatma Ben Khelil
occupation: 1908, Tunis, Bach Mufti malékite de Tunis
death: 1924, La Marsa
Sadok Bahri
birth: about 1820
caste: caïd-gouverneur
marriage: Fatma Ben Becher
marriage: Ben Osman
marriage: Mlah Ennas
caste: 1882, Bach Hamba arab (commandant de la cavalerie arabe)
death: about 1890, Tunis
Mohamed Bahri (Ben Abdessatar)
birth: about 1830
occupation: haut fonctionnaire (au ministére des finances)
residence: Tunis, Rue Ben Mustapha
property: Mateur, Bizerte, Henchir céréalier
marriage: Zouari
death: about 1913
Ahmed Bouhajeb
birth: 1876
caste: Avocat
marriage: Badra Bahri
death: 17 November 1944
Omar Bouhageb
birth: 28 March 1862, Tunis
caste: Avocat
marriage: Giannina Petrucci
death: 23 November 1923, Tunis
Khelil Bouhageb
birth: 27 August 1863
property: La Marsa, Tunis, Saniet Bouhajeb (villa Ramsès) à la Marsa Résidence
property: Médina de Tunis, Tunis, Deux étages (ali ou uluw) rue Abdelwahab rahbet leghnam
marriage: Nazlı Hanım , Le Caire, Égypte
caste: from 1915 - 1926, Cheikh El Médina
caste: 1926, Tunisie, Grand-Vizir, premier ministre du Bey
death: 8 February 1942
Zbeïda Bouhageb
birth: 1873
marriage: Mohamed Laadjimi
death: 26 October 1960
Hassine Bouhajeb
birth: 20 October 1872
caste: Médecin
marriage: Khadija Bahri
death: 13 March 1946
== 3 ==
Hassina Bouhajeb (Dite Hosnia)
birth: 24 October 1906, Tunis, Tunisie
marriage: Habib Bouderbala
death: 7 February 2002, Tunis, Tunisie
Selim Bouhajeb (Slim)
birth: 10 February 1909, Tunis
death: 22 December 1974
Souad Bouhajeb (Dite Fattouma)
birth: 24 December 1916
marriage: Mohsen Lasram
death: 19 October 2005
== 3 ==
Mohamed Lasram
marriage: Souad Gaigi
burial: 21 November 2020

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