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Jeanne de Parthenay d. after 1419

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Lineage Parthenay
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Jeanne de Parthenay

Jeanne de Mathéfelon (de Durtal) [Mathéfelon]

Guillaume VII de Parthenay [Parthenay] b. estimated 1330 d. 17 May 1401



21 January 1390 marriage: Guillaume IV de Melun (de Tancarville) [Melun] b. estimated 1350 d. 25 October 1415

after 1419 death:

[edit] Sources

  1. Genealogics. Jeanne de Parthenay -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Guy I Parthenay L'Archeveque (de Soubise, de Taillebourg)
marriage: Guyonne (Alix) de Laval
title: estimated 1325, Sire de Soubise et de Taillebourg
title: estimated 1325, Taillebourg (17), seigneur de Taillebourg
marriage: Jeanne d'Amboise (du Parc)
Hugues de Parthenay (de Montfort-le-Rotrou)
title: Seigneur de Montfort-le-Rotrou
marriage: Isabeau de Clermont (de Senblancay)
death: before August 1324
Jean I de Parthenay (de Semblecay)
title: Sire de Parthenay et de Semblecay
title: seigneur de Semblecay
marriage: Marguerite de Meslay
marriage contract: Marie de Beaujeu
death: 1 May 1358
burial: Parthenay
de Beaujeu
birth: 23 February 1303
death: 23 February 1303
Edouard I de Beaujeu (de Montpensier-en-Auvergne) 'le Grand'
birth: 11 April 1316
title: Seigneur de Montpensier-en-Auvergne
military service: 1347, marshal of France
death: 8 June 1351, Ardres, he fought the English at Ardres, but was killed even as the French won the battle
burial: Edouard was buried at the abbey of Bellevilles-sur-Saone in the tomb of the lords of Beaujeu.
Blanche de Beaujeu
birth: between 1309 and 1318
other: 1331, Mentioned
marriage: Jean de Linieres-en-Berry
Eleonore de Beaujeu
birth: between 1309 and 1318
occupation: Prioress of Poletins
Guichard de Beaujeu (de Perreux)
birth: after 1321
title: Seigneur de Perreux
death: 19 September 1356, near Poitiers (in battle)
Guillaume de Beaujeu (de Cenves, d'Amplepuis)
birth: estimated 1325
title: Seigneur de Cenves, Seigneur d'Amplepuis
death: 17 April 1406
Robert de Beaujeu (d'Arcinnes)
birth: after 1321
title: Sire d'Arcinnes
death: 1380
Louis de Beaujeu (d'Aloigny)
birth: after 1321
title: Seigneur d'Aloigny
occupation: Governor of Beaujolais
death: after 1365
Marie de Beaujeu
birth: estimated 1301
marriage contract: Jean I de Parthenay (de Semblecay)
death: after 29 June 1337
Eleonore (Honneur) de Mathéfelon (d'Entrammes)
birth: 1350, Seine Et Maritime, France
title: Dame d'Entrammes
marriage: Jean II de Rochechouart
death: before 30 August 1419
Guillaume VII de Parthenay
birth: estimated 1330
title: Sire de Parthenay
marriage: Jeanne de Mathéfelon (de Durtal)
death: 17 May 1401, Chateau de Parthenay
burial: Church of Sainte-Croix, Parthenay
== 3 ==
Guillaume IV de Melun (de Tancarville)
birth: estimated 1350
title: Comte de Tancarville
occupation: Grand-maître des eaux et forets de France
marriage: Jeanne de Parthenay
occupation: 1399, Grand-Bouteiller de France [[Catégorie:Grands-Bouteillers de France|1399]]
occupation: 1402, Président de la chambre des comptes
death: 25 October 1415, Agincourt
== 3 ==

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