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Henry Lascelles b. 19 May 1953

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Lineage Lascelles
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Henry Lascelles
Other given names Henry Ulick

w Gerald David Lascelles [Lascelles] b. 21 August 1924 d. 27 February 1998

w Angela Dowding [Dowding] b. 20 April 1919


19 May 1953 birth:

25 August 1979 marriage: Alexandra Morton [Morton]

19 December 1991 child birth: Maximilian Lascelles [Lascelles] b. 19 December 1991

1999 divorce: Alexandra Morton [Morton]

2006 marriage: Fiona Wilmott [Wilmott]

From grandparents to grandchildren

Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David
birth: 23 June 1894, Richmond (London), Surrey (England), White Lodge
baptism: 16 July 1894, Duke of Cornwall
title: from 9 May 1910 - 20 January 1936, Prince of Wales
title: from 23 June 1910 - 11 December 1936, Emperor of India
title: from 20 January 1936 - 11 December 1936, King of the United Kingdom
title: from 11 December 1936 - 28 May 1972, Duke of Windsor
marriage: Bessie Wallis Warfield (Spencer, Simpson, Windsor) , Monts (Indre-et-Loire), France, Château de Candé
death: 28 May 1972, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
Henry William Frederick Albert
birth: 31 March 1900, Sandringham (Norfolk), England, York Cottage
title: 31 March 1928, Duke of Gloucester
marriage: Alice Christabel Montagu Douglas Scott , London, England, Chapel Royal, St. James's Palace
death: 10 June 1974, Barnwell (Northamptonshire), England, Barnwell Manor
George Edward Alexander Edmund
birth: 20 December 1902, Sandringham (Norfolk), England, York Cottage
baptism: 26 January 1903, Earl of St. Andrews
title: 12 October 1934, Duke of Kent
title: 12 October 1934, Сполучене Королівство, comte de Saint-Andrews
title: 12 October 1934, Сполучене Королівство, baron Downpatrick
marriage: Marina
death: 25 August 1942, Morven, Scotland
John Charles Francis
birth: 12 July 1905, Sandringham (Norfolk), England, York Cottage
baptism: 3 August 1905, Prince of the United Kingdom
death: 18 January 1919, Sandringham (Norfolk), England, Wood Farm
Albert Frederick Arthur George Windsor
birth: 14 December 1895
title: from 6 May 1920 - 1952, Duke of York, 7th creation
marriage: Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon
title: from 12 December 1936 - 6 February 1952, King of the United Kingdom
title: from 12 December 1936 - 1950, Emperor of India
title: from 15 August 1947 - 1952, London, König von Pakistan
fact 2: 15 August 1947, London, Abandon du titre de Empereur des Indes
death: 6 February 1952
Victoria Alexandra Alice Mary
birth: 25 April 1897, Sandringham (Norfolk), England, York Cottage
baptism: 7 June 1897, Sandringham (Norfolk), England, St. Mary Magdalene Church
marriage: Henry Lascelles , Westminster Abbey, Westminster (England), London
death: 28 March 1965, Leeds (West Yorkshire), England, Harewood House
Henry Lascelles
birth: 9 September 1882
marriage: Victoria Alexandra Alice Mary , Westminster Abbey, Westminster (England), London
title: from 1929 - 23 May 1947, Earl of Harewood
death: 23 May 1947, Y
George Henry Hubert Lascelles
birth: 7 February 1923, Leeds (West Yorkshire), Yorkshire (England), Harewood House
title: from 24 May 1947 -, Earl of Harewood
marriage: w Marion Stein
marriage: w Patricia Tuckwell (Bambi)
death: 11 July 2011, Leeds (West Yorkshire), Yorkshire (England)
Elizabeth Collingwood
birth: 23 April 1924
marriage: w Gerald David Lascelles
death: 14 January 2006
Gerald David Lascelles
birth: 21 August 1924, Knaresborough
marriage: w Angela Dowding
divorce: w Angela Dowding
marriage: Elizabeth Collingwood
death: 27 February 1998
Angela Dowding
birth: 20 April 1919, Londres, Royaume-Uni
marriage: Gerald David Lascelles
divorce: Gerald David Lascelles
birth: 28 February 2007
== 3 ==
== 3 ==
Maximilian Lascelles
birth: 19 December 1991

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