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(Sir) Henry Berkeley (of Bruton) d. between 30 May 1600 and 21 October 1601

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Lineage Berkeley
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) (Sir) Henry Berkeley
Other last names of Bruton

(Sir) Maurice (Morrys) Berkeley (Barkeley, , of Brutton) [Berkeley] d. between 10 February 1579 and 16 November 1581

Catherine Mountjoy [Mountjoy]


child birth: (Sir) Maurice Berkeley (of Brewton) [Berkeley] d. between 20 April 1617 and 3 July 1617

child birth: Edward Barkley [Barkley]

child birth: (Sir) Henry Berkeley (of Yarlington) [Berkeley]

marriage: Margaret Ligon (of Madresfield, Legare) [Ligon] d. between 9 February 1616 and 28 June 1617

between 30 May 1600 and 21 October 1601 death:


To servants years wages. Overseers: Nephews Sir George Speake, Sir Richard Barkeley Knightes and Nephew John Frauncis Esqre. Rest to eldest sonne Henrie Barkeley, Executor. No witnesses. "Item I will that my executor shall geve twentie poundes to the poore at the daie of my buriall by shillinges, halfe shillinges, or groates at his discretion and thoughe I knowe it wyll doe me no good, yet I am perswaded it will doe them no harme. Item I will that my three youngest sonnes Frances Barkley, Robert and John Barkley shall have my cheyne equally devided betweene them w'ch weigheth fortie two ounces of fyne goulde. Also I will that my fower daughters Gartrude, Besse, Anne and Margaret shall have twentie poundes apeece to buye them chaynes with all."

From grandparents to grandchildren

John Berkeley
birth: about 1510
death: 1546
== 3 ==
== 3 ==
(Sir) Maurice Berkeley (of Brewton)
marriage: Elizabeth Killigrew (of Hanworth)
occupation: between 1604 and 1611, Virginia Company Councilman
death: between 20 April 1617 and 3 July 1617
(Governor) William Berkeley
title: Governor of Virginia
marriage: Francis Culpeper
baptism: 16 July 1608
death: 9 July 1677
(Lord) John Berkeley (of Stratton)
title: Carolina Proprietor
title: Virginia/Ohio Proprietor

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