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Rachel Cavendish

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Lineage Cavendish
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Rachel Cavendish

William Cavendish [Cavendish] b. 1673 d. 4 June 1729

Rachel Russell [Russell] b. January 1673 d. 28 December 1725

From grandparents to grandchildren

William Russell
birth: 29 September 1639, England, Thornhaugh, Northampton
marriage: Rachel Wriothesley
death: 21 July 1683, London, Executed in Lincoln's Inn Fields
burial: 2 August 1683, Chenies, Buckinghamshire, England
Elizabeth Wriothesley
birth: about 1646, Titchfield, Hampshire (England)
marriage: Joceline Percy (11. Earl of Northumberland)
marriage: Ralph Montagu , Titchfield
death: before 19 September 1690
Francis Vaughan (of Carbery)
marriage: Rachel Wriothesley , Titchfield, Hampshire (England), License Faculty
Rachel Wriothesley
birth: 19 September 1637, Titchfield, Hampshire (England)
other: Robert Relationship, wife of the eighth cousin 8x removed (???)
marriage: William Russell
marriage: Francis Vaughan (of Carbery) , Titchfield, Hampshire (England), License Faculty
death: 29 September 1723, Southamptonhouse, Bloomsbury
burial: 8 October 1723, Chenies, Buckinghamshire, England
William Cavendish
birth: 1673, Derbyshire, England, Hardwick Hall
other: husband of the ninth cousin 7x removed, Robert Relationship
marriage: Rachel Russell , Holborn, England
title: from 1707 - 4 June 1729, Duke of Devonshire
death: 4 June 1729, England, Piccadilly, Middlesex, Devonshire House
burial: All Saints' Parish, Derby, Derbyshire
Wriothesley Russell
birth: 1 November 1680, Westminster (England), London, St giles the fields
other: Robert Relationship, seventh cousin 9x removed (???)
marriage: Elizabeth Howland (Russell)
title: from 7 September 1700 - 26 May 1711, Duke of Bedford, 2nd
death: 26 May 1711
Catherine Russell
birth: 23 August 1676
marriage: John Manners (2nd Duke of Rutland)
death: 30 October 1711, London, England, Southampton House, Bloomsbury
Rachel Russell
birth: January 1673, Westminster (England), St. Giles in the Fields
other: Robert Relationship, ninth cousin 7x removed (???)
marriage: William Cavendish , Holborn, England
burial: 18 January 1725
death: 28 December 1725
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William Cavendish
birth: 26 September 1698, Derbyshire, England, Hardwick Hall
marriage: Catherine Hoskins , Oxted, Surrey (England)
title: from 1729 - 1751, Baron Cavendish of Hardwick
title: from 4 June 1729 - 5 December 1755, Duke Of Devonshire
death: 5 December 1755, England, Chatsworth, Derbyshire
burial: 5 December 1755, Derby (Derbyshire), England, All Saints' Parish
Charles Cavendish
birth: 17 March 1704
other: eighth cousin 8x removed Robert Relationship
death: 28 April 1783
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