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Wilhelmina Vera Marie Liis Gräfin von Bismarck-Schönhausen b. 3 March 2009

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Lineage Bismarck
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Wilhelmina Vera Marie Liis Gräfin von Bismarck-Schönhausen

Gregor Archibald Johannes Graf von Bismarck-Schönhausen [Bismarck] b. 4 August 1964

Samantha Della Schiava [Schiava]


3 March 2009 birth:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Elisabeth Lippens
birth: 6 May 1939, Uccle/Ukkel
title: Gräfin (comtesse)
marriage: Ferdinand Herbord Ivar Graf von Bismarck , Berg en Daal, Voorhout
Marie Anna von Bismarck
birth: 1929
death: 1981
Karl Alexander von Bismarck
birth: 20 February 1935, London
marriage: Alexandra Marie Sybille Sofie von Croÿ
death: 19 December 1992, Hamburg
Ferdinand Herbord Ivar Graf von Bismarck
birth: 22 November 1930, London
title: Graf (comte)
marriage: Elisabeth Lippens , Berg en Daal, Voorhout
Gottfried Alexander Leopold von Bismarck
birth: 19 September 1962, Uccle/Ukkel, Region Brüssel-Hauptstadt
death: 1 July 2007, Chelsea (London)
== 3 ==
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