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Абдулла ибн аль Мутазз Аббас b. 861 d. 908

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Lineage Аббасиды
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Абдулла ибн аль Мутазз Аббас

аль-Мутазз Биллах [Аббасиды] d. 869


861 birth:

908 death:


Abdullah ibn al-Mu'tazz (861 in Samarra – 908 in Baghdad) (Arabic: عبد الله بن المعتز‎ / ALA-LC: ‘Abd Allāh bin al-Mu‘utaz) was persuaded to assume the role of caliph of the Abbasid dynasty following the premature death of al-Muktafi. He succeeded in ruling for a single day and a single night, before he was forced into hiding, found, and then strangled in a palace intrigue that brought al-Muqtadir, then thirteen years old, to the throne. Ibn al-Mu'tazz is best known, not as a political figure, but as a leading Arabic poet and the author of the Kitab al-Badi, an early study of Arabic forms of poetry. This is considered one of the earliest works in Arabic literary theory and literary criticism.

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