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Heinrich XXIX Reuss b. 1997

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Lineage Reuss
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Heinrich XXIX Reuss

Heinrich XIV Reuss [Reuss] b. 1955

Johanna Raitz von Frentz [Raitz von Frentz] b. 12 September 1971


1997 birth: Mistelbach

title: Prince


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  • Mistelbach (Ambiguous)

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From grandparents to grandchildren

Heinrich IV Reuss zu Köstritz
birth: 26 October 1919
title: Graf und Herr zu Plauen, Herr zu Greiz, Lobenstein, Schleiz, Gera, Kranichfeld
marriage: Marie Luise zu Salm-Horstmar
death: 20 June 2012, Ernstbrunn
Friederike Juliane zu Salm-Horstmar
birth: 5 October 1912, Varlar
marriage: Ludwig Ferdinand von Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg , Varlar
death: 3 July 2000, Horstmar
Marie Luise zu Salm-Horstmar
birth: 18 August 1918
marriage: Heinrich IV Reuss zu Köstritz
death: 12 March 2015, Ernstbrunn, Schloss Ernstbrunn
burial: 22 March 2015, Ernstbrunn, Schloss Ernstbrunn
Johanna Raitz von Frentz
birth: 12 September 1971, Ehrang bei Trier
marriage: Heinrich XIV Reuss
== 3 ==
Heinrich XXIX Reuss
birth: 1997, Mistelbach
title: Prince
== 3 ==

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