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Albrecht I von Hohenlohe (zu Uffenheim)

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Lineage Hohenlohe
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Albrecht I von Hohenlohe (zu Uffenheim)


child birth: Albrecht von Hohenlohe [Hohenlohe] d. 1338

child birth: Agnes von Hohenlohe [Hohenlohe] d. 1319

child birth: Gottfried III von Hohenlohe [Hohenlohe] d. 1290

before 1240 marriage: Kunigunde von Henneberg [Henneberg] d. 1257

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
== 1 ==
Конрад II Цоллерн
title: бургграф Нюрнбергский
marriage: Agnes von Hohenlohe
death: 6 June 1314
Фридрих Цоллерн
occupation: Ritter des Deutschen Ordens
death: 23 February 1303
Конрад Цоллерн
birth: 17 July 1304
Готфрид Цоллерн
occupation: Deutsch-Ordensritter
death: after 17 July 1318
Konrad II. von Schlüsselburg
birth: 1280
title: Graf von Schlüsselburg
marriage: Lukardis Hohenzollern von Nürnberg
death: 1347

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