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Mathilde von Saarbrücken d. 30 August 1276

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Lineage Saarbrücken
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Mathilde von Saarbrücken

Laurette von Lothringen [Lothringen]

Simon III von Saarbrücken [Saargaugrafen]


marriage: Simon II de Commercy (Broyes Commercy) [Commercy] d. before 1248

1240 child birth: Simon de Commercy (von Saarbrücken, Broyes Commercy) [Commercy] b. 1240 d. 1307

30 August 1276 death:


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From grandparents to grandchildren

Kunigunde von Lothringen
birth: 1175
marriage: Walram IV von Limburg
title: 1197, Marquise d'Arlon et Dame de Montjoie
death: before 1214
title: 1214, Princesse héritière de Limbourg
Frederick II de Lorraine (Ferry II)
marriage: Agnès de Bar
title: 1205, Duke of Lorraine
title: 1206, Seigneur de Bitche
death: about 9 October 1213
Hendrik II van Bar
birth: 1190
title: 13 February 1214, Comte de Bar
marriage: Philippa de Dreux
death: 13 November 1239, Gaza
Ne de Bar
death: 1214
Renaud de Briey
death: 1213
Agnès de Bar
title: 1188, Princesse de Lorraine
marriage: Frederick II de Lorraine (Ferry II)
title: 1206, Duchesse de Lorraine
title: 1206, Dame de Bitche
death: 19 June 1226
Sophia von Saarbrucken
birth: about 1149
title: about 1165, Duchesse de Limbourg et Comtesse d'Arlon
marriage: w Heinrich de Limbourg (Heinrich III)
death: after 1215
Frederik van Saarbruggen
birth: about 1150
death: before 1187
Simon II. von Saarbrücken
birth: about 1150
death: after 1207
Matthias II de Lorraine
birth: 1193
title: 1220, Duc de Haute-Lorraine
marriage: Catherina de Limbourg
death: 1251
Thiébaud Ier de Lorraine
birth: about 1191
marriage: Gertrude de Dabo
birth: 10 October 1213, duc de Lorraine
death: 1220
Jacques de Lorraine
birth: about 1202
title: 1223, Archidiacre de Trêves
title: 1239, Evêque de Metz
death: 24 October 1260
Renaud de Lorraine
title: Seigneur de Bitche
death: 1274
Alix de Lorraine
death: 1242
== 3 ==
== 3 ==

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