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Hedi Chahed

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Lineage Chahed
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Hedi Chahed

Rachida Bahri [Bahri]

Laroussi Chahed [Chahed] b. 1903

From grandparents to grandchildren

Badra Bahri
marriage: Ahmed Bouhajeb
death: 7 August 1938
Zizi Bahri
birth: Tunis
marriage: Abdelhamid El Behi
death: Tunis
Fattouma Chahed
birth: 1872
marriage: Abdelaziz Annabi
death: 1961
burial: Cimetière du Djellaz, Torbet ANNABI
Touhami Chahed
occupation: Tunis, Notaire et haut fonctionnaire
marriage: Bellamine
Hedi Chahed
marriage: Cherifa Mbazaa
caste: about 1890, Tunis, fonctionnaire (secrétaire-interpréte au control civil)
Fawzia Bahri
marriage: Slim Ben Chaabane
death: 9 December 2008, El Maâmoura
Osman Bahri
birth: 17 December 1923, Tunis
marriage: Hédia Bey
death: 23 February 1973, Tunis
Habib Bahri
marriage: Najoua Ben Hamida
burial: 26 August 2022, Cimetière du Djellaz
Abdelhamid Chahed
marriage: Zeineb Boussen
occupation: 1957, Membre du premier conseil de l'ordre des pharmaciens tunisiens
Laroussi Chahed
birth: 1903, Tunis
occupation: Tunis, Médecin
marriage: Rachida Bahri
== 3 ==
== 3 ==

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