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Ion Manolescu-Strunga b. 12 May 1889 d. 19 April 1951

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Lineage Manolescu-Strunga
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Ion Manolescu-Strunga
Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Ion_Manolescu-Strunga


12 May 1889 birth: Strunga, Judeţ de Iaşi, Roumanie

child birth: Gina Manolescu-Strunga [Manolescu-Strunga]

marriage: Elvira Popescu (Popesco) [Popescu] b. 10 May 1894 d. 11 December 1993

marriage: Diana Ghica [Ghica] b. 1890 d. 1949

marriage: Irina Filotti [Filotti]

from 5 October 1934 - 1 August 1935 caste: Roumanie, Ministre du commerce et de l'Industrie

19 April 1951 death: Sighetu Marmaţiei, Judeţ de Maramureş, Roumanie


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From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Elvira Popescu (Popesco)
birth: 10 May 1894, Bucarest, Roumanie, Colentina
occupation: Roumanie, France, Comédienne et actrice
marriage: Aurel Athanasescu
marriage: w Ion Manolescu-Strunga
marriage: Sébastien Foy
burial: 1993, Paris, cimetière du Père-Lachaise
death: 11 December 1993, Paris (75)
Diana Ghica
birth: 1890, Bucarest, Roumanie
marriage: w Ion Manolescu-Strunga
death: 1949, Bucarest, Roumanie
Ion Manolescu-Strunga
birth: 12 May 1889, Strunga, Judeţ de Iaşi, Roumanie
marriage: Elvira Popescu (Popesco)
marriage: Diana Ghica
marriage: Irina Filotti
caste: from 5 October 1934 - 1 August 1935, Roumanie, Ministre du commerce et de l'Industrie
death: 19 April 1951, Sighetu Marmaţiei, Judeţ de Maramureş, Roumanie
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