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Fille d'Erdeni Batour (Tchoros) (Épouse de Montchak Pountsouk (Torgut))

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Lineage Oïrats
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Fille d'Erdeni Batour (Tchoros)
Other last names Épouse de Montchak Pountsouk (Torgut)

Erdeni Batour ou Khountaïdji Khodokhozin ou Ba’atour-khong-taidji (Tchoros) [Oïrats] b. 1634 d. 1653


child birth: Дорджи-Рабан Дорджи Араптань Мончакова Дочь [?]

marriage: Мунчак Пунцук Торг(ут) Ойра(т) [Ойри] d. 1672

1642 child birth: Dzoungarie, Aïouka (Torgut) [Oïrats] b. 1642 d. 1 March 1724


Elle appartint au clan Tchoros.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Khara Khula ou Kharkhul (Tchoros)
title: Khan
death: 1634
== 3 ==
Sengge (Tchoros)
birth: 1630
marriage: Anu Khatan (Épouse de Sengge, Épouse de Galdan Boshugtu)
title: from 1653 - 1671, Khong Tayiji
death: 1671
Galdan Boshugtu Khan (Tchoros)
birth: 1644
marriage: Anu Khatan (Épouse de Sengge, Épouse de Galdan Boshugtu) , 2
title: from 1670 - 1689, Khong Tayiji
death: 23 April 1697
Мунчак Пунцук Торг(ут) Ойра(т)
marriage: Fille d'Erdeni Batour (Tchoros) (Épouse de Montchak Pountsouk (Torgut))
title: from 1667 - 1670, Калмицьке ханство, хан
death: 1672, Руське царство
== 3 ==
Абайхан Муцаловна Черкасская (Дондукова)
title: княжна
title: пщыпхъу (адыг.)
Aïouka (Torgut)
birth: 1642, Dzoungarie
marriage: Дарма Бала
title: from 1672 - 1724, khan Kalmouk
death: 1 March 1724
Tsewang Rabtan (Tchoros)
birth: 1663
marriage: Seter-dzhab (Torgut) (Épouse de Tsewang Rabtan)
title: from 1697 - 1727, Khong Tayiji
title: from 1717 - 24 September 1720, roi du Tibet
death: 1727, assassiné
Chakdor jab ou Tchakdor Djab (Torgut)
children count: 12 fils
death: 19 February 1722
Tseren Donduk ou Cheren-Dunduk (Torgut)
title: from 1724 - 1735, khan Kalmouk
death: 1737

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