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Theodora Komnenos b. September 1358

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Lineage Komnenos
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Theodora Komnenos

w Basil Megas Komnenos [Komnenos] d. 6 April 1340

w Irene ? (Irene of Trebizond) [?] b. about 1306 d. estimated 1382


29 August 1358 marriage: w Хаджи Омар [-] d. about 1386

September 1358 birth:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Michael of Trebizond -
marriage: X Acropolites
title: 30 July 1341, Emperor of Trebizond
title: between 3 May 1344 and 13 December 1349, Emperor of Trebizond
Alexios II Megas Komnenos
birth: 1283
title: from 1297 - 1330, Emperor of Trebizond
marriage: Djiadjak Jaqeli (Pekai)
death: 1330
Наталия Джакели
title: from 1280 - 1289, Грузия Королева Консорт
marriage: Demetrius II (of Georgia) , 3
Саргис II Джакели
birth: 1271
title: Амнирспассалари
title: from 1306 - 1334, Атабег де Самтске
death: after 1334
Andronikos III Megas Komnenos
title: from 8 January 1330 - 1332, Emperor of Trebizond
death: 8 January 1332, Killed
Michael - (Anachoutlou)
death: 1330, Murdered by his brother Andronikos III in 1330
George - (Achpougas)
death: 1330, Murdered by his brother Andronikos III in 1330
Anna of Trebizond -
death: September 1342
Irene Palaiologina
marriage: w Basil Megas Komnenos
title: 1340, Empress regnant of Trebizond
Basil Megas Komnenos
title: from August 1332 - 1340, Emperor of Trebizond
marriage: Irene Palaiologina
marriage: w Irene ? (Irene of Trebizond) , 2
death: 6 April 1340, Basil died 6 April 1340, apparently poisoned by his legitimate wife Irene Palaiologina, who promptly seized the throne.
Irene ? (Irene of Trebizond)
birth: about 1306, Константинополь, Византия
marriage: Basil Megas Komnenos , 2
title: 1340, императрица Трапезунда
death: estimated 1382
== 3 ==
John Komnenos
birth: 5 October 1338
title: between December 1349 and 20 March 1390, Empire of Trebizond, Emperor of Trebizond
marriage: Theodora Kantakouzene
death: 20 March 1390
Helen of Trebizond (Bagration-Georgia)
title: princess by birth
marriage: Bagrat V Bagration
title: from 1360 - 1366, Queen Consort of Georgia
death: 1366
Alexios Komnenos
death: before 1349
Хаджи Омар
title: from 1357 - 1364, бей Хаджимирогуллары
marriage: Theodora Komnenos
death: about 1386
== 3 ==

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