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Romildo Puhl b. 11 August 1955

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Lineage Puhl
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Romildo Puhl

Hernesto Puhl [Puhl] b. 10 March 1925 d. 20 May 1971

Olga Maria Cremer [Cremer] b. 10 December 1924


11 August 1955 birth: Brasil

about residence: Chapecó, SC, Brasil

about child birth: Águas de Chapecó, SC, Brasil, Roberto Puhl [Puhl] b. about

marriage: Aldonira Lopes (Puhl) [Lopes] b. 25 August 1947

21 December 1980 child birth: São Carlos, SC, Brasil, Rogerio Puhl [Puhl] b. 21 December 1980

10 April 1987 child birth: Chapecó, SC, Brasil, Rodrigo Puhl [Puhl] b. 10 April 1987

From grandparents to grandchildren

Silvestro Puhl
birth: 10 February 1917, Brasil
marriage: Helma Assmann (Puhl)
christening: 13 February 1917, Brasil
death: 7 August 1997, São Carlos, SC, Brasil
Glaudino Puhl
birth: Brasil
marriage: Cecilia Peccin (Puhl) , Brasil
death: Brasil
Netca Puhl
birth: about, Brasil
marriage: Erica Clain , Brasil
death: about, Brasil
Olinda Puhl (Engelmann)
birth: about 8 August 1912, Brasil
marriage: Leopoldo Engelmann , Brasil
death: about 21 June 2009, Brasil
Lina Puhl (Zimer)
birth: about, Brasil
marriage: Valenti Zimer , Brasil
death: about, Brasil
Valéria Puhl (Galvão)
birth: about, Brasil
marriage: Timetio Galvão , Brasil
death: about, Brasil
Nuncia Puhl (Egvat)
birth: about, Brasil
marriage: Hugo Egvat , Brasil
death: about, Alta Floresta, MT, Brasil
? Puhl
birth: Brasil
death: Brasil
Hernesto Puhl
birth: 10 March 1925, Venancio Arires, RS, Brasil
marriage: Olga Maria Cremer , Brasil
death: 20 May 1971, Lambari, Águas de Chapecó, SC, Brasil
Olga Maria Cremer
birth: 10 December 1924, RS, Brasil
marriage: Hernesto Puhl , Brasil
== 3 ==
Silvenio Puhl
birth: 11 October 1949, Brasil
residence: about, Matos Costa, Brasil
marriage: Iraci Alves
Silverio Puhl
birth: 11 October 1949, São Carlos, SC, Brasil
residence: about, Campos Novas, SC, Brasil
marriage: Delvir Nepubuseno Lara , São Carlos, SC, Brasil
Celia Puhl
birth: 11 March 1951, São Carlos, SC, Brasil
residence: about, Águas de Chapecó, SC, Brasil
marriage: Genuino Bonafé
Clara Puhl (Bernardi)
birth: 13 April 1952, São Carlos, SC, Brasil
marriage: Eli Luiz Bernardi
residence: calculated 1977, Chapecó, SC, Brasil
Ivo Puhl
birth: 29 October 1954, São Carlos, SC, Brasil
residence: about, Chapecó, SC, Brasil
marriage: Cladir Fernandes
Maria Puhl
birth: 1960, Barra Grande, Palmitos, SC, Brasil
death: 1960, Barra Grande, Palmitos, SC, Brasil, Faleceu com 1 dia
João Puhl
birth: about 1963
death: about 1963, Faleceu com 9 dias
Salete Puhl
birth: 29 May 1956, São Carlos
marriage: Francisco Bonafé
Ilsem Puhl
birth: 21 February 1958, Linha Lambari, Águas de Chapecó, SC, Brasil
marriage: Pedro Castoldi
Erica Puhl
birth: 18 July 1965, Linha Lambari, Águas de Chapecó, SC, Brasil
marriage: Elton Castoldi
Eleni Puhl
birth: 14 June 1966, Linha Lambari, Águas de Chapecó, SC, Brasil
marriage: Gilberto Fantin
Helio Puhl
birth: 30 September 1967, Barra Grande, Palmitos, SC, Brasil
marriage: Triciane da Silva
Aldonira Lopes (Puhl)
birth: 25 August 1947, Palmeira, RS, Brasil
marriage: Romildo Puhl
Romildo Puhl
birth: 11 August 1955, Brasil
residence: about, Chapecó, SC, Brasil
marriage: Aldonira Lopes (Puhl)
== 3 ==
Rodrigo Puhl
birth: 10 April 1987, Chapecó, SC, Brasil
Rosane Simonetti (Puhl)
birth: 23 June 1985, Palmitos, SC, Brasil
marriage: Rogerio Puhl , Chapecó, SC, Brasil
Rogerio Puhl
birth: 21 December 1980, São Carlos, SC, Brasil
marriage: Rosane Simonetti (Puhl) , Chapecó, SC, Brasil
Roberto Puhl
birth: about, Águas de Chapecó, SC, Brasil
Roger Simonetti Puhl
birth: 21 January 2002, Chapecó, SC, Brasil

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