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Margareth Khitrovo (Erdeli) b. 1895 d. 1952

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Lineage Khitrovo
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Margareth Khitrovo
Other last names Erdeli

Сергей Константинович Хитрово [Хитрово] b. 1865 d. 1931

Любовь Владимировна Молоствова (Хитрово) [Молоствовы] b. 27 October 1866 d. 1923


1895 birth:

marriage: Vladimir Erdely (Erdelyi) [Erdely] b. 1883 d. 1959

1952 death: New York City


Maid of honor, sister of mercy of the Tsarskoye Selo Palace hospital, followed by the royal family to Tobolsk. By personal order of Kerensky arrested (08.22.1917) and taken under guard to Moscow. She was in correspondence with the royal family at the time of their conclusion. The emigration of married VG Erdelyi. She died in New York. (Archive K.Finkelshteyna)

From grandparents to grandchildren

Vladimir Ivanovitch Erchov
birth: 21 July 1844, Empire russe
marriage: Олена Михайлівна Леонтьєва (Єршова)
title: 1891, ordre de Saint-Stanislas du 1e degré
title: 1895, ordre de Sainte-Anne du 1e degré
title: 1898, ordre de Saint-Vladimir du 2ème degré
death: 4 August 1899, Berlin, Empire allemand
burial: Moscou, cimetière du monastère Donskoï
Сергей Іванович Єршов
birth: 1856, Российская империя
death: 14 March 1869, Российская империя, умер от тифозной горячки
Alexeï Vassilievitch Golitsyne
birth: 27 November 1832
title: prince
marriage: Lioubov Alexandrovna Souvorov (Golitsyne, Molostvov) , Berlin, 1
divorce: Lioubov Alexandrovna Souvorov (Golitsyne, Molostvov)
death: 21 October 1901, Paris (75), apoplexie
burial: cimetière du département de la Mayenne
Lioubov Alexandrovna Souvorov (Golitsyne, Molostvov)
birth: 31 November 1831, ou le 13
title: comtesse par naissance
title: princesse par son premier mariage
marriage: Alexeï Vassilievitch Golitsyne , Berlin, 1
divorce: Alexeï Vassilievitch Golitsyne
marriage: Vladimir Vladimirovitch Molostvov , 2
death: 9 October 1883
Мария Константиновна Хитрово (Голицына)
birth: 31 May 1866
marriage: Борис Борисович Голицын , Москва, Россия,
death: 1942, Ленинград, Россия
Владимир Владимирович Молоствов
birth: 1 May 1863
death: 21 September 1935
== 3 ==
Владимир Сергеевич Хитрово
birth: 1891
death: 24 February 1968
== 3 ==

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