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Frederic II del Vasto Saluzo (de Saluces) b. 1332 d. 1396

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Lineage Aleramici
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Frederic II del Vasto Saluzo
Other last names de Saluces

Thomas II del Vasto Saluzo (de Saluces) [Aleramici] b. 1304 d. August 1357

Richarde Visconti [Visconti] b. 1304 d. 1361

Wiki-page wikipedia:Frederick II, Marquess of Saluzzo


1332 birth:

child birth: w Amédée del Vasto (de Saluces) [Alérame]

child birth: Constance del Vasto (de Saluces) [Alérame]

child birth: w Pierre del Vasto (de Saluces) [Alérame]

child birth: Hugues del Vasto Saluzo (de Saluces) [Aleramici]

marriage: Béatrice de Genève [Genève] b. 1335

1356 child birth: Saluces, Thomas III del Vasto (de Saluzzo) [Aleramici] b. 1356 d. 1416

from 1357 - 1396 title: marquis de Saluces

1396 death:

[edit] Sources

  1. - wikipedia it Federico II di Saluzzo
  2. - wikidata Frédéric II de Saluces

From grandparents to grandchildren

Frederic I del Vasto (de Saluces)
birth: 1287
marriage: Marguerite de la Tour du Pin
title: from 1334 - 1336, marquis de Saluces
death: 29 June 1336
Guigues de La Tour du Pin
birth: 1280
marriage: Beatrix von Ungarn
title: from 1306 - 1318, дофин Вьеннский
death: 5 March 1319
Catherine de La Tour du Pin
title: Принцесса де Ла Тур дю Пэн
marriage: w Philip I.(Filippo) of Savoy (of Piedmont)
title: from 7 May 1312 - 13 September 1334, Княгиня Пьемонта
death: 9 December 1337
Stefano Visconti
birth: 1288, Milan
marriage: Valentina Doria
death: 4 July 1327, Milan
Caterina Visconti (Della Scala)
birth: 1282, Milan, seignerie de Milan
marriage: Alboino I Della Scala
birth: 1311, Vérone, seignerie de Vérone
Marco "Balatrone" Visconti
death: 5 September 1329
Giovanni Visconti
death: 5 October 1354
Galéas Ier Visconti
birth: 21 January 1277, Desio
marriage: Béatrice d'Este
death: August 1328, Pescia
Альдобрандино II д’Эсте
marriage: Alda Rangoni (d'Este)
title: from 1308 - 1326, Ферарра, маркиз Феррары
death: 26 July 1326, Болонья
Béatrice d'Este
birth: about 1268, Ferrare, seigneurie de Ferrare
marriage: Galéas Ier Visconti
death: 15 September 1334, Milan, Seigneurie de Milan
Thomas II del Vasto Saluzo (de Saluces)
birth: 1304
marriage: Richarde Visconti
title: from 1336 - 1357, marquis de Saluces
death: August 1357
== 3 ==
Frederic II del Vasto Saluzo (de Saluces)
birth: 1332
marriage: Béatrice de Genève
title: from 1357 - 1396, marquis de Saluces
death: 1396
== 3 ==
Marguerite de Pierrepont (de Saluces)
birth: about 1390, Roucy (02)
marriage: Thomas III del Vasto (de Saluzzo)
death: about 1419, Saluces
Thomas III del Vasto (de Saluzzo)
birth: 1356, Saluces
title: from 1396 - 1416, Marchese di Saluzzo
marriage: Marguerite de Pierrepont (de Saluces)
death: 1416, Saluzzo
Ludovico I del Vasto (di Saluzzo)
birth: 1406
marriage: Isabella ? (of Montferrat (Paleologa), Paléologue)
title: from 1416 - 1475, Marchese di Saluzzo
death: 1475
Ricciarda de Saluces (d'Este)
birth: 1410
title: marquise de Ferrare par mariage
marriage: Niccolo III d'Este , 3
death: 16 August 1474, Ferrare, duché de Ferrare
burial: monastère Corpus Domini

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