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Catherine Thomas b. before 1730 d. before 1796

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Lineage Thomas
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Catherine Thomas


before 1730 birth:

occupation: Le Ménil (88), Manouvrière

marriage: Nicolas Valdenaire [Valdenaire] b. before 1730 d. before 1796

about 1753 child birth: Le Ménil (88), Jean Nicolas Valdenaire [Valdenaire] b. about 1753 d. 4 January 1796

before 1796 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Nicolas Valdenaire
birth: before 1730
occupation: Le Ménil (88), Manoeuvre
marriage: Catherine Thomas
death: before 1796
Catherine Thomas
birth: before 1730
occupation: Le Ménil (88), Manouvrière
marriage: Nicolas Valdenaire
death: before 1796
== 1 ==
Aprône Peltier
birth: about 1761
marriage: Jean Nicolas Valdenaire
death: 28 June 1824, Le Ménil (88)
Jean Nicolas Valdenaire
birth: about 1753, Le Ménil (88)
occupation: Manoeuvre
marriage: Aprône Peltier
death: 4 January 1796, Le Ménil (88), 14 Nivôse an IV
Augustin Frédéric
birth: 21 November 1781, Cornimont (88)
occupation: about 1817, Marchand
occupation: about 1826, Marcaire
marriage: Marie Anne Valdenaire , Cornimont (88)
death: 24 July 1849, Cornimont (88)
Marie Anne Valdenaire
birth: 27 May 1791, Le Ménil (88), ou le 27 mai 1792?
occupation: about 1826, Tisserande
marriage: Augustin Frédéric , Cornimont (88)
death: 23 September 1862, Cornimont (88)

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