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(Colonel) William Dandridge (of Elsing Green) b. 29 December 1689 d. 17 August 1744

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Lineage Dandridge
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) (Colonel) William Dandridge
Other last names of Elsing Green

John Dandridge [Dandridge] b. 29 April 1655 d. 1731


29 December 1689 birth: Malvern (Worcestershire), Great Malvern

marriage: Unity West [West] b. 1702 d. 1754

17 August 1744 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

John Dandridge
birth: 29 April 1655, Oxford (England), Oxfordshire, England
death: 1731, Oxford (England), Oxfordshire, England
== 2 ==
(Colonel) John Dandridge
birth: 13 July 1700, Chestnut Grove (plantation), New Kent County (Virginia)
death: 31 August 1756, New Kent County (Virginia)
burial: September 1756, Fredericksburg (Virginia)
Unity West
birth: 1702, King William County (Virginia)
marriage: (Colonel) William Dandridge (of Elsing Green)
death: 1754, Elsing Green, King William County (Virginia)
(Colonel) William Dandridge (of Elsing Green)
birth: 29 December 1689, Malvern (Worcestershire), Great Malvern
marriage: Unity West
death: 17 August 1744
== 2 ==

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