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Ezekiel Goldthwaite b. 3 August 1674 d. 1761

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Lineage Goldthwaite
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Ezekiel Goldthwaite

Samuel Goldthwaite [Goldthwaite] b. about 20 August 1637 d. before 31 December 1718

Elizabeth Cheever [Cheever] b. about 2 April 1645 d. after 1725



3 August 1674 birth:

occupation: Mason

June 1675 baptism:

20 March 1695 marriage: Esther Boyce [Boyce]

about 1697 child birth: Salem (Massachusetts), Esther Goldthwaite [Goldthwaite] b. about 1697

21 January 1697 property: Salem, deeded land and a dwelling house built by his grandfather Thomas before 1661.

about 1700 child birth: Salem (Massachusetts), Hannah Goldthwaite [Goldthwaite] b. about 1700 d. 1778

about 1703 child birth: Salem (Massachusetts), Samuel Goldthwaite [Goldthwaite] b. about 1703

about 1706 child birth: Salem (Massachusetts), Ezekiel Goldthwaite [Goldthwaite] b. about 1706

1709 child birth: Peabody (Massachusetts), Then called : South Danvers, Joseph Goldthwaite [Goldthwaite] b. 1709

1712 child birth: Peabody (Massachusetts), Then called : South Danvers, David Goldthwaite [Goldthwaite] b. 1712

1761 death:


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  • Salem (Ambiguous)

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[edit] Sources

  1. "The Goldthwaite Genealogy" by Charlotte Goldthwaite, 1899 - Individual #8 -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Thomas Goldthwaite (Goldthait, Goldthrite, Goldthwait)
birth: about 1610, England
occupation: Cooper
emigration: about 1630, Lincolnshire (England)
other: 14 June 1631, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, "It is ordered that Mr Pelham shall pay unto Tho: Goilthayt the sum of v1 (whereof 5 nobles is already pd) wch the court hath awarded him to pay, to make good a covenant betwixte them."
other: 14 May 1634, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, "Tho: Gaildthaite" was made freeman of Massachusetts.
marriage: Elizabeth , Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, probably
property: 4 May 1636, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, "Thomas Goldthwaite, being an inhabitant, is granted 10 acres of land."
property: 20 December 1636, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, "It is ordered that Thomas Goldthwait shall have a tenn acre Lott vpon the neck of the North Syde of the Riuer pvided that if in case yt he be not dismissed vnto the church att Salem (from Roxbury), yt then hee leaue it vnto the Towne elce to be his owne.
property: about 1637, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, Division of Meadow Lands: "Tho: Goldthwait, with three in his family, is given two quarters" "a 10 acre lott and a howse lott were regarded as a proper allowance for the head of a family."
other: 5 June 1637, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, admitted a member of the Salem Church
property: 15 February 1644, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, "Tho: Goldthwite desires some land"
marriage: Rachel Leach
death: about 1683, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony
birth: about 1615
marriage: Thomas Goldthwaite (Goldthait, Goldthrite, Goldthwait) , Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, probably
death: before 1671
Ellen Lanthrop
marriage: Ezekiel Cheever , Ipswich (Massachusetts)
Ezekiel Cheever
birth: 25 January 1614, London
occupation: Teacher
education: 3 April 1626, Christ's Hospital, admitted a pupil
education: 12 January 1632, University of Cambridge
immigration: 1637, Boston (Massachusetts)
marriage: Mary , New Haven
marriage: Ellen Lanthrop , Ipswich (Massachusetts)
occupation: 26 November 1661, Charlston, Schoolmaster
occupation: 6 November 1670, Boston (Massachusetts), Master of the Boston School
death: 21 August 1708, Boston (Massachusetts)
marriage: Ezekiel Cheever , New Haven
death: 20 January 1649, New Haven (Connecticut)
Mehitable Goldthwaite
birth: 27 August 1640, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony
death: 3 May 1668, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony
Elizabeth Goldthwaite (King)
birth: 20 November 1642, Salem (Massachusetts)
marriage: John King
death: 31 December 1718
Samuel Goldthwaite
birth: about 20 August 1637, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony
occupation: Cooper
baptism: 20 August 1637
property: 1657, Salem (Massachusetts), Massachusetts Bay Colony, "...had his home on the west end of the Goldthwaite farm, on what is now [1899] Peabody town square in the original house built by Edward Harnet from whom the land was bought in 1657, and which afterwards passed to his son, Nathaniel."
marriage: Elizabeth Cheever , Charlestown (Boston), Massachusetts Bay Colony
death: before 31 December 1718
Samuel Cheever
birth: 22 September 1639
occupation: Marblehead, Minister
marriage: Ruth Angier
Ezekiel Cheever
baptism: 12 June 1642, "died young"
Sarah Cheever
baptism: 21 September 1646
Hannah Cheever
baptism: 25 June 1648, "She was brought up in the family of John Wakeman of New Haven, who left her a bequest in his will of 1660."
Abigail Cheever
birth: 20 October 1653
death: about 1705, Boston (Massachusetts), "unmarried"
Nathaniel Cheever
birth: 23 June 1657, "died young"
Thomas Cheever
birth: 23 August 1658
marriage: Sarah Bill
William Cheever
birth: 23 January 1664
death: "died young"
Susanna Cheever
marriage: Joseph Russell , Boston (Massachusetts)
Elizabeth Cheever
baptism: 2 April 1645, New Haven (Connecticut), Massachusetts Bay Colony
birth: about 2 April 1645, New Haven (Connecticut), Massachusetts Bay Colony
marriage: Samuel Goldthwaite , Charlestown (Boston), Massachusetts Bay Colony
death: after 1725
== 3 ==
Elizabeth Goldthwaite
birth: 7 October 1667
death: November 1667, "died, aged six weeks"
Samuel Goldthwaite
birth: 5 March 1668
occupation: Innkeeper and Husbandman
property: Peabody (Massachusetts), an inn standing on the west corner of what is now [1899] Main and Foster streets
baptism: 13 May 1669
marriage: Mary Thomas , by Rev. Nicholas Noyes
death: about 1748
Thomas Goldthwaite
birth: 14 December 1670, "died young"
John Goldthwaite
birth: 1677
occupation: Mason
marriage: Jane Tawley
marriage: Sarah Hopkins , Boston (Massachusetts), By Rev. Cotton Mather
other: 3 February 1705, Boston (Massachusetts), admitted to the church (the 2nd, or Old North) Rev. Cotton Mather
title: 1730, Ensign
title: 1732, Lieutenant
title: 18 November 1741, Captain
death: 25 June 1766, Boston (Massachusetts)
Mary Goldthwaite
birth: between 1679 and 1684
marriage: John Nichols
Elizabeth Goldthwaite
birth: between 1680 and 1685
marriage: Thomas Price
Hannah Goldthwaite
birth: about 9 April 1686
marriage: Edward Nichols
Thomas Goldthwaite
birth: 1 March 1688, "not in his father's will; died early, probably."
Ezekiel Goldthwaite
birth: 3 August 1674
occupation: Mason
baptism: June 1675
marriage: Esther Boyce
property: 21 January 1697, Salem, deeded land and a dwelling house built by his grandfather Thomas before 1661.
death: 1761
== 3 ==
Esther Goldthwaite
birth: about 1697, Salem (Massachusetts)
Hannah Goldthwaite
birth: about 1700, Salem (Massachusetts)
death: 1778
Samuel Goldthwaite
birth: about 1703, Salem (Massachusetts)
Ezekiel Goldthwaite
birth: about 1706, Salem (Massachusetts)
Joseph Goldthwaite
birth: 1709, Peabody (Massachusetts), Then called : South Danvers
David Goldthwaite
birth: 1712, Peabody (Massachusetts), Then called : South Danvers

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