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Julia Agricola b. 64

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Lineage Gens Iulia
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Julia Agricola

Gnaeus Julius (Agricola) [Gens Iulia] b. 13 June 40 d. 23 August 93

Domitia Decidiana [Gens Domitia]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Julia_Agricola


64 birth: Asia

child birth: Gnaeus (or Gaius) Cornelius (Tegidus) [Cornelius]

marriage: Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius (Tacitus the Historian) [Cornelius] b. 56 d. 117


This record needs sources. Please help this record by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

Julia had two brothers, at least one of which was born in Britain. Both died young.

[edit] Sources

  1. Dorothy Watts. Boudicca's Heirs. Routledge, London and New York. pp27-29 - - daughter of Gnaeus Julius Agricola and Domitia Decidiana (daughter of Domitius Decidius of Narbonne)

From grandparents to grandchildren

Titus Flavius (Vespasianus)
birth: 30 December 39, Rome
title: between 79 and 81, Emperor of Rome
death: 13 September 81
Titus Flavius (Domitianus)
birth: 24 October 51
residence: Narbonne, Gaul
death: 18 September 96
Domitia Longina
birth: 53
death: 130
Gnaeus Julius (Agricola)
birth: 13 June 40, Gallia Narbonensis
military service: Legio II Augusta
military service: between 60 and -61, Angelsey, Britain, 20th Legion- Valeria Victrix (Legate)
military service: 63, Asia, As Quaestor
military service: between 71 and -73, 20th Legion- Valeria Victrix
military service: between 77 and 85, Governor of Britannia
death: 23 August 93, Gallia Narbonensis
Domitia Decidiana
birth: Narbonne, Gaul
== 3 ==
== 3 ==

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