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Dominik Maria Ignacy Radziwiłł b. 12 August 1852 d. 28 December 1938

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Lineage Radziwiłł
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Dominik Maria Ignacy Radziwiłł
Other given names Dominik Maria Ignacy Dominique Radziwiłł

Konstanty Radziwiłł [Radziwill] b. 5 April 1793 d. 6 April 1869

Adela Karnicka [Karnicki] b. 2 March 1811 d. 3 January 1883


12 August 1852 birth: Palanetschka, Belarus

title: князь

1 September 1881 marriage: Paris, Maria Dolores de Agramonte [Agramonte] b. 16 September 1854 d. 12 September 1920

6 January 1885 child birth: Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes, Frankreich, Hieronymus Nicolaus Radziwiłł [Radziwiłł] b. 6 January 1885 d. 6 April 1945

1886 child birth: Dolores Radziwill [Radziwill] b. 1886 d. 1966

1888 child birth: Изабелла Роза Радзивилл [Радзивиллы] b. 1888 d. 1968

28 December 1938 death: Balice

From grandparents to grandchildren

Mikołaj Radziwiłł
birth: 1746
title: książę
death: 1795
Maciej Radziwill
birth: 10 November 1749, Барановичи, Беларусь
title: князь
military service: полковник
marriage: Elżbieta Chodkiewicz
death: 2 September 1800, Шидловец, Polen
Rozalia Chodkiewicz (Lubomirska)
birth: 1768, Czarnobyl
title: księżniczka
marriage: Александр Любомирский
death: 2 September 1793, Paryż, (stracona przy rogatce Vincennes), по другим данным - 30 июня 1794
Wacław Chodkiewicz
birth: 1767
death: 1784
Elżbieta Chodkiewicz
birth: about 1770
marriage: Maciej Radziwill
death: between 1800 and 1821
Мария Грабовская (Радзивилл)
birth: about 1796, Минск, Российская империя
marriage: Konstanty Radziwiłł
death: 1826, Российская империя
Konstanty Radziwiłł
birth: 5 April 1793, Rom
title: Graf von Szydłowiec
title: Fürst Radziwiłł
marriage: Мария Грабовская (Радзивилл)
marriage: Селестина Сулистровская (Радзивилл)
marriage: Adela Karnicka
death: 6 April 1869, Palanetschka, Belarus
Adela Karnicka
birth: 2 March 1811, Cibla, Lettland, Herrenhaus Eversmuiža
marriage: Konstanty Radziwiłł
death: 3 January 1883, Vilnius
== 3 ==
Nikolaus Antonius Gustav Radziwiłł
birth: 3 July 1841, Palanetschka, Belarus
death: 2 April 1900, Oblast Schytomyr, Bykiv
Matthäus Josef Radziwiłł
birth: 17 September 1842, Palanetschka
title: Prinz
marriage: Ядвига Красинская (Радзивилл)
death: 11 May 1907, Constanța
Михайлина Радзивилл
birth: 1845
title: княжна
death: 1879
Konstanty Wincenty Maria Radziwill
birth: 31 July 1850, Palanetschka
title: князь
marriage: Луиза Антуанетта Бланк (Радзивилл)
death: 8 September 1920, Paris
Maria Dolores de Agramonte
birth: 16 September 1854, Barcelona
marriage: Dominik Maria Ignacy Radziwiłł , Paris
death: 12 September 1920, Ermenonville (Oise), Hauts-de-France
Dominik Maria Ignacy Radziwiłł
birth: 12 August 1852, Palanetschka, Belarus
title: князь
marriage: Maria Dolores de Agramonte , Paris
death: 28 December 1938, Balice
== 3 ==
Renata Maria von Österreich
birth: 2 January 1888, Pula
marriage: Hieronymus Nicolaus Radziwiłł , Żywiec
death: 1935, Balice, Polen
Hieronymus Nicolaus Radziwiłł
birth: 6 January 1885, Cannes, Alpes-Maritimes, Frankreich
marriage: Renata Maria von Österreich , Żywiec
marriage: Ядвига Аниела Радзивилл
death: 6 April 1945, Altschewsk, Ukrainische Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik, Sowjetunion, sowjetisches Kriegsgefangenenlager
Станислав Вильгельм Радзивилл
birth: 6 February 1880, Берлин, Германская империя
marriage: Dolores Radziwill
death: 28 April 1920, Малин, Житомирская область, Украина
Eugenia of Greece and Denmark (Radziwill, von Thurn und Taxis)
birth: 10 February 1910, Paris
title: 30 May 1938, Pss of Greece
marriage: w Dominic Rainer Radziwiłł , Paris
divorce: w Dominic Rainer Radziwiłł , Paris
marriage: Raimundo Thurn und Taxis
title: 28 November 1949, Princesse della Torre e Tasso
divorce: Raimundo Thurn und Taxis , Paris, Frankreich
death: 13 February 1989, Paris
Christiane von Windisch-Graetz
birth: 10 March 1920, Rothenhaus
marriage: Leon Hieronim Radziwiłł
death: 18 December 1993, Weikersheim
Leon Hieronim Radziwiłł
birth: 28 October 1922, Balice
marriage: Christiane von Windisch-Graetz
death: 19 February 1973, Provinz Santa Fe, Argentinien

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