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Richard Colley (Wesley) b. about 1690 d. 31 January 1758

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Lineage Colley
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Richard Colley
Other last names Wesley

w Henry Colley [Colley] b. 1648 d. 1700

Mary Ussher [Ussher]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Richard_Wesley,_1st_Baron_Mornington


about 1690 birth:

9 July 1735 child birth: Meath, Ireland, w Garret Wesley [Wesley] b. 9 July 1735 d. 22 May 1781

31 January 1758 death:

[edit] Sources

  1. -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Dudley Colley
birth: about 1621
death: July 1674
Anne Warren
birth: 1623, Kildare, Ireland
Henry Colley
birth: 1648
death: 1700
== 3 ==
Henry Colley
death: 1723
Elizabeth Sale
death: 17 June 1838
Richard Colley (Wesley)
birth: about 1690
death: 31 January 1758
== 3 ==
Anne Hill-Trevor
birth: 23 June 1742
marriage: w Garret Wesley
death: 10 December 1831
Garret Wesley
birth: 9 July 1735, Meath, Ireland
title: Earl of Mornington
marriage: Anne Hill-Trevor
death: 22 May 1781
Arthur Wellesley (Duke of Wellington)
birth: 1 May 1769, Dublin, Ireland
marriage: Catherine Sarah Dorothea Pakenham (Wellesley)
death: 14 September 1852, Walmer, Kent (England)
Henry Wellesley
birth: 20 January 1773
death: 27 April 1847
Richard Colley Wesley (Wellesley)
birth: 20 June 1760
marriage: Hyacinthe Gabrielle (Roland)
death: 26 September 1842
William Wesley (Wellesley, Wellesley-Pole)
birth: 20 May 1763, Meath, Ireland
death: 22 February 1845
Charles Culling Smith
birth: about 1775
marriage: Anne Wesley
death: 26 May 1853
Anne Wesley
birth: 1775
marriage: Charles Culling Smith
death: 16 December 1844
Gerald Valerian Wesley
birth: 7 December 1770
death: 24 October 1848

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