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Cleopatra Thea Eueteria b. -164 d. -121

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Lineage Ptolemai
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Cleopatra Thea Eueteria

Ptolemy VI Philometor [Ptolemai] b. about -186 d. -145

Cleopatra II [Ptolemai] b. about -185 d. -116

Wiki-page wikipedia:Cleopatra_Thea


-164 birth:

child birth: w Antiochus VIII ? (Gryphus) [Selucid] d. -96

-148 child birth: Antiochus VI ? (Dionysus, Balas) [?] b. -148

-121 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Antiochus Syrianus
birth: -220
death: -193
Séleucos IV
birth: about -217, Seleukidenreich
marriage: Laodice
marriage: w Laodicé IV
title: from -187 - -175, Seleukidenreich, Basileus des Seleukidenstaates
death: -175, Seleukidenreich
Antiochus IV ? (Epiphanes)
birth: -215, Seleukidenreich
title: from -175 - -164, Basileus des Seleukidenreichs
death: -164, Seleukidenreich
Cleopatra I Syra
birth: -215
death: -176
Ptolemy V Epiphanes
title: between -204 and -181, King of Egypt
Ptolemy Viii Euergetes II ? (Physicon)
birth: -182
death: 26 June -166
Ptolemy VI Philometor
birth: about -186
marriage: Cleopatra II
death: -145
Cleopatra II
birth: about -185
marriage: Ptolemy VI Philometor
death: -116
== 3 ==
Cleopatra III Syrene
birth: -161
death: -101
Ptolemy Eupator
birth: about -168
title: between -158 and -157, Priest of Amun
title: -152, Co-Ruler of Egypt
Demetrios II
death: -125
Alexander ? (Balas)
title: between -150 and -146, King of Selucia
Cleopatra Thea Eueteria
birth: -164
death: -121
== 3 ==
Seleucus V
title: between -126 and -125
Cleopatra IV ? (Tryphaena I)
birth: between -141 and -138
marriage: w Antiochus VIII ? (Gryphus)
title: between -124 and -111, Queen of Syria
death: -112, sanctuary of Daphne in Antioch
Antiochus VI ? (Dionysus, Balas)
birth: -148
title: from -145 - -142
Mithridates I Callinicus
birth: -130
title: -109, King of Commagene
birth: -70
marriage: w Laodicé VII Théa Philapelphe

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