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Techenet (Decheney) LeFleur

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Lineage LeFleur
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Techenet (Decheney) LeFleur

Pierre Couc (dit Le Fleur) [LeFleur] b. 1635 d. 18 May 1690

Marie Mitewamewkwe (Algonquin) [Mitewamegwakawe] b. 1632 d. 8 January 1699


child birth: Marie Madeleine Leblanc [Leblanc]

marriage: Outoutagan ? (Nickname : Jean le Blanc, Nickname : Jean le Bland, Outoutaga, Otoutagon, Ottoutagan) [?]

From grandparents to grandchildren

Nicholas Couc (dit Le Fleur)
birth: 1600, Angoulême, France
death: 1699, Cognac (France), Saintonge, France
Thomas Temple
birth: January 1613, Stowe (Buckinghamshire), England
occupation: between 1657 and 1670, Governor of Acadia/ Nova Scotia
death: 27 March 1674, Ealing (England), Middlesex (England)
Elizabeth Templair
birth: 1602, Angoulême, France
death: 1701, Cognac, Correze, Limousin, France
Batholémy Mitewamegwakawe
birth: 1600, Algonquin (Illinois), Kane County (Illinois)
death: 1704, Quebec (province), Canada
Carole Pachirini
birth: 1609, New France
death: 1708, Quebec (province), New France
Pierre Couc (dit Le Fleur)
birth: 1635, Cognac (France)
death: 18 May 1690, Saint-François-du-Lac (Quebec), Canada
Marie Mitewamewkwe (Algonquin)
birth: 1632, Montréal, Quebec (province), Canada
marriage: Esau (Assa) (Issa) Babich
death: 8 January 1699, Trois-Rivières, Quebec (province), Canada
== 3 ==
Louis Couc (Montour , dit le Fleur)
birth: 27 December 1659, Trois-Rivières, Quebec (province)
death: 1709, Pays de Haute, New France
== 3 ==

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