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Arendje Kuijs b. about 1823

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Lineage Kuijs
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Arendje Kuijs

Pieter Kuijs (Jansz) [Kuijs] b. about 1795

Maartje Bruijn [Bruijn] b. about 1799


about 1823 birth: Castricum

occupation: boerin

18 February 1844 marriage: Castricum, Pieter is weduwnaar van Jannetje Pepping , Pieter Schotvanger [Schotvanger] b. about 1798

about 1846 child birth: Castricum, Jannetje Schotvanger [Schotvanger] b. about 1846

about 1847 child birth: Pieter Schotvanger [Schotvanger] b. about 1847

about 1849 child birth: Castricum, Klaas Schotvanger [Schotvanger] b. about 1849

about 1850 child birth: Castricum, Jacob Schotvanger [Schotvanger] b. about 1850

30 September 1860 marriage: Castricum, Dirk is weduwnaar van Antje Zoon; Arendje weduwe van Pieter Schotvanger , Dirk Meijne [Meijne] b. about 1828

From grandparents to grandchildren

Pieter Kuijs (Jansz)
birth: about 1795, Castricum
occupation: landbouwer
marriage: Maartje Bruijn , Castricum
Maartje Bruijn
birth: about 1799, Egmond Binnen
marriage: Pieter Kuijs (Jansz) , Castricum
== 3 ==
Jan Kuijs
birth: about 1821, Castricum
occupation: landbouwer
marriage: Aaltje Duijn , Castricum
Geertje Kuijs
birth: about 1826, Castricum
marriage: Wouter Admiraal , Limmen
marriage: Jan Brakenhof , Heiloo, Jan is weduwnaar van Helena Bakkum; Geertje is weduwe van Wouter Admiraal
marriage: Nicolaas Noord , Heiloo, Nicolaas is weduwnaar van Maartje Pepping; Geertje is weduwe van Jan Pietersz.Brakenhoff
Jan Kuijs
birth: about 1833, Castricum
occupation: broodbakker
marriage: Antje Brakenhof , Castricum
Wulbert Kuijs
birth: about 1825, Castricum
occupation: landman
marriage: Grietje Verduijn , Akersloot, Grietje is weduwe van Dirk Pepping
Pieter Schotvanger
birth: about 1798, Castricum
occupation: landbouwer
marriage: Jannetje Pepping , Limmen
marriage: Arendje Kuijs , Castricum, Pieter is weduwnaar van Jannetje Pepping
Dirk Meijne
birth: about 1828, Uitgeest
occupation: landman
marriage: Arendje Kuijs , Castricum, Dirk is weduwnaar van Antje Zoon; Arendje weduwe van Pieter Schotvanger
Arendje Kuijs
birth: about 1823, Castricum
occupation: boerin
marriage: Pieter Schotvanger , Castricum, Pieter is weduwnaar van Jannetje Pepping
marriage: Dirk Meijne , Castricum, Dirk is weduwnaar van Antje Zoon; Arendje weduwe van Pieter Schotvanger
== 3 ==
Maartje Schotvanger
birth: about 1837, Castricum
marriage: Jacob Kuijs , Castricum
Grietje Schotvanger
birth: about 1840, Castricum
marriage: Cornelis Kuijs , Alkmaar
Jan Schotvanger
birth: about 1830, Castricum
occupation: boerenbedrijf
marriage: Grietje Kabel , Castricum
Dirk Schotvanger
birth: about 1839, Castricum
occupation: bloemkweker
marriage: Neeltje Kuis , Castricum
Willem Schotvanger
birth: about 1825
death: 9 March 1863, Heythuysen
Cornelis Kraakman
birth: about 1846, Egmond Binnen
occupation: veehouder
marriage: Jannetje Schotvanger , Castricum
Jannetje Schotvanger
birth: about 1846, Castricum
marriage: Cornelis Kraakman , Castricum
Sijtje Roskam
birth: about 1854, Wimmenum
marriage: Klaas Schotvanger , Egmond Binnen
Klaas Schotvanger
birth: about 1849, Castricum
occupation: landman
marriage: Sijtje Roskam , Egmond Binnen
Grietje Kuijs
birth: about 1852, Ursem
marriage: Jacob Schotvanger , Castricum
Jacob Schotvanger
birth: about 1850, Castricum
occupation: landman
marriage: Grietje Kuijs , Castricum
Geertruida Mientjes
birth: about 1860
marriage: Pieter Schotvanger , Heemskerk
Pieter Schotvanger
birth: about 1847
occupation: bloemkweker
marriage: Geertruida Mientjes , Heemskerk
Anna Bisschop
birth: about 1881, Berkhout
marriage: Pieter Schotvanger , Berkhout
Pieter Schotvanger
birth: about 1881, Castricum
occupation: broodbakker
marriage: Anna Bisschop , Berkhout
Joannes Brandjes
birth: about 1880, Uitgeest
occupation: landbouwer
marriage: Johanna Schotvanger , Castricum
Johanna Schotvanger
birth: about 1883, Castricum
marriage: Joannes Brandjes , Castricum

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