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Michael Fitzgerald b. about 1825 d. 1855

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Lineage Fitzgerald
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Michael Fitzgerald

Midnai Raven (Fitzgerald) [Raven] b. 3 April 1794 d. 6 November 1878


about 1825 birth:

marriage: Cecilia Scott [Scott] b. 1833

about 1851 marriage: Cecilia Scott [Scott] b. 1833

13 April 1853 child birth: Edward Fitzgerald [Fitzgerald] b. 13 April 1853 d. 26 January 1931

1855 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Midnai Raven (Fitzgerald)
birth: 3 April 1794
death: 6 November 1878
burial: 6 November 1878, Ireland, Cashel Cemetery
== 2 ==
Midna Fitzgerald (Dixit)
birth: 11 April 1864, Galway, Ireland
== 2 ==
Mary McQuillan
birth: 8 August 1859, Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States
marriage: Edward Fitzgerald
death: 12 September 1936, Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Edward Fitzgerald
birth: 13 April 1853
marriage: Mary McQuillan
death: 26 January 1931, Washington (District of Columbia), United States
Daisy Buchanan
birth: 11 August 1895, Ireland, Dunbin, Ireland
marriage: w Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald
death: about 27 September 1917, Grenoble, France, She had Homicide, and went died at a Hospital.
Kelly Aierolle (Fitzgerald)
birth: 1899, Los Angeles, California
marriage: w Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald
death: 5 November 1988, Hollywood, California, United States of America
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald
birth: 24 September 1896, Saint Paul (Minnesota)
marriage: Daisy Buchanan
marriage: Zelda Sayre
divorce filed: Zelda Sayre
divorce: Zelda Sayre
marriage: Kelly Aierolle (Fitzgerald)
death: 21 December 1940, Hollywood, California
Clifton Albert Frederick Sprague
birth: 8 January 1896, Dorchester, Massachusetts, United States
marriage: Annabel Fitzgerald
death: 11 April 1955
Annabel Fitzgerald
birth: July 1901, Saint Paul (Minnesota)
marriage: Clifton Albert Frederick Sprague
death: 1987

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