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Burkhard Gotthelf Struve b. 26 May 1671 d. 25 May 1738

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Lineage Struve
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Burkhard Gotthelf Struve

Georg Adam Struve [Struve] b. September 1619 d. 15 December 1692

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Burkhard Gotthelf Struve


26 May 1671 birth: Weimar

25 May 1738 death: Jena

From grandparents to grandchildren

Andreas Struve
birth: Cramme
death: 5 September 1664, Cramme
Anna Margarethe Brunner
birth: 26 September 1598, Schleusingen, Thuringia
marriage: Berthold (Ictus Bartholomäus) Struve
death: 13 August 1669, Magdeburg
Berthold (Ictus Bartholomäus) Struve
birth: 4 February 1587, Braunschweig
marriage: Anna Margarethe Brunner
death: 15 February 1649, Magdeburg
Анна Марія Ріхтер (Струве)
birth: 11 April 1634
marriage: Georg Adam Struve
death: 12 February 1662, Jena
== 3 ==
Friedrich Gottlieb Struve
birth: 10 November 1676, Jena
death: 22 June 1752, Kiel
Georg Christoph Struve
birth: 7 October 1649, Jena
death: 25 May 1669, Altdorf
Johann Philipp Struve
birth: 28 March 1653, Jena
death: 5 April 1685, Jena
Johann Wilhelm Struve
birth: 9 August 1655, Jena
Friedrich August Struve
birth: 25 November 1660, Jena
death: 1694, Jena
Адам Готтліб Струве
birth: 13 December 1664, Єна, Святе Римське царство
death: 27 October 1670, Веймар, Святе Римське царство
Burkhard Gotthelf Struve
birth: 26 May 1671, Weimar
death: 25 May 1738, Jena
== 3 ==

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