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Teofila Tarło (Ostrogska) b. 1595 d. 1635

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Lineage Tarłowie
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Teofila Tarło
Other last names Ostrogska

w Zygmunt Tarło [Tarłowie] b. to 1561 d. 7 September 1628

Barbara z Sulejowa Drohojowska (Tarło) [Drohojowscy] d. between 1626 and 1630

Wiki-page wikipedia:pl:Teofila Tarło


1595 birth:

1612 marriage: Иван (Януш) Константинович Острожский [Острожские] b. 1554 d. 1620

1635 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Paweł Tarło
children count: -
marriage count: -
death: 1565
Mikołaj Tarło
death: after 1578
Екатерина Тарло (Казановская)
birth: Корона Польская, Речь Посполитая
marriage: Мартын Казановский
Andrzej Tarło
birth: 1506
death: from 1570 - 1579
Zygmunt Tarło
birth: to 1561
marriage: Barbara z Sulejowa Drohojowska (Tarło)
death: 7 September 1628
burial: pochowany w Zarkach
== 3 ==
== 3 ==

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