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Nicolas Mellier (Meillez) b. 1 February 1756

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Lineage Mellier
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Nicolas Mellier
Other last names Meillez

Jean Mellier [Mellier]

Marie Marguerite Courtillier [Courtillier]



1 February 1756 birth: Bailleul (80), jumeau de Jean Baptiste

occupation: Bailleul (80), manouvrier

marriage: Marie Sagnier [Sagnier] b. estimated 1755

1 February 1756 baptism: Bailleul (80), parrain: Nicolas Farcy; marraine:Françoise Cayeux.

4 October 1787 child birth: Bailleul (80), de Nicolas, fils de Jean, manouvrier et Marie Sagnier, Jean Baptiste Mellier [Mellier] b. 4 October 1787 d. 5 October 1787

8 January 1788 other: Bailleul (80), témoin au mariage de son frère Jean Baptiste

18 February 1789 child birth: Bailleul (80), Nicolas Mellier [Mellier] b. 18 February 1789

20 August 1791 child birth: Bailleul (80), Louis Bernard Mellier [Mellier] b. 20 August 1791


  1. Acte de baptême. Bailleul_5MI_D989_(1600-1757) -

From grandparents to grandchildren

Nicolas Mellier
other: 8 January 1788, Bailleul (80), témoin au mariage de [[Personne:410112|Jean Baptiste Mellier]], son neveu.
Jean Mellier
occupation: 1788, Bailleul (80), laboureur
== 3 ==
Jean Baptiste Mellier (Meillez)
birth: 1 February 1756, Bailleul (80), jumeau de Nicolas.
baptism: 1 February 1756, Bailleul (80), parrain:Jean Cayeux; marraine: Françoise Farcy
other: 4 October 1787, Bailleul (80), parrain de [[Personne:409799|Jean Baptiste Mellier]]
marriage: Marie Marguerite Noël Thuillier , Bailleul (80)
Louis Mellier
birth: 15 September 1754, Bailleul (80)
baptism: 15 September 1754, Bailleul (80), parrain: Louis Philbert Pie, vicaire en chef; marraine: Barbe Courtillier sa tante.
other: 8 January 1788, Bailleul (80), témoin au mariage de son frère [[Personne:410112|Jean Baptiste]]
Pierre Mellier
other: 8 January 1788, Bailleul (80), témoin au mariage de son frère [[Personne:410112|Jean Baptiste]]
Marie Sagnier
birth: estimated 1755, Hallencourt (80)
marriage: Nicolas Mellier (Meillez)
Nicolas Mellier (Meillez)
birth: 1 February 1756, Bailleul (80), jumeau de Jean Baptiste
occupation: Bailleul (80), manouvrier
marriage: Marie Sagnier
baptism: 1 February 1756, Bailleul (80), parrain: Nicolas Farcy; marraine:Françoise Cayeux.
other: 8 January 1788, Bailleul (80), témoin au mariage de son frère [[Personne:410112|Jean Baptiste]]
== 3 ==
Jean Baptiste Mellier
birth: 4 October 1787, Bailleul (80), de Nicolas, fils de Jean, manouvrier et Marie Sagnier
baptism: 4 October 1787, Bailleul (80), parrain: [[Personne:410112|Jean Baptiste Mellier]], oncle paternel; marraine: [[Personne:410118|Marie Marguerite Thuillier]]. [[Personne:409998|Regnier]], curé
death: 5 October 1787, Bailleul (80)
Nicolas Mellier
birth: 18 February 1789, Bailleul (80)
baptism: 18 February 1789, Bailleul (80), parrain: Louis Mellier; marraine:Marie Louise Louis. [[Personne:409998|Regnier]], curé.
Louis Bernard Mellier
birth: 20 August 1791, Bailleul (80)
baptism: 20 August 1791, Bailleul (80), parrain: Laurent Thuillier; Marraine: Marie Angélique Fracy. [[Personne:409998|Regnier]], curé de la paroisse.

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