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Stephen Gardiner b. 1490 d. 12 November 1555

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Lineage Gardiner
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Stephen Gardiner

Helen Tudor [Tudor] b. 1459

William Gardiner (Gardynyr) [Gardiner] b. 1450

Wiki-page wikipedia:Stephen_Gardiner


1490 birth:

12 November 1555 death:

From grandparents to grandchildren

Edmund Tudor
birth: 1430
title: 1453, Comte de Richmond
marriage: Margaret Beaufort
death: 1 November 1456, Y
Henry VI Plantagenet (Lancaster)
birth: 15 December 1421
title: from 1 September 1422 - 4 March 1461, King of England
marriage: w Margaret of Anjou
fact 2: 4 March 1461, London, Abdankung
title: from 1470 - 11 April 1471, King of England
death: 21 May 1471, London, England, Tower of London, Murdered
Owen Tudor (Edward Bridgewater)
birth: 1432, Westminster Abbey
death: 1502
Jasper Tudor
birth: about 1431
marriage: Catherine Widville
death: 21 December 1495, Y
== 3 ==
Richard Gardiner
death: 1548
William Gardiner
birth: 1488
death: 1549
Stephen Gardiner
birth: 1490
death: 12 November 1555
== 3 ==

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