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Henry Wriothesley (Wrioteski) b. 24 April 1545 d. 4 October 1581

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Lineage Wriothesley
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Henry Wriothesley
Other last names Wrioteski

w Thomas Wriothesley [Wriothesley] b. 21 December 1505 d. 30 July 1550

Jane Cheney [Cheney]

Wiki-page wikipedia:en:Henry Wriothesley, 2nd Earl of Southampton


24 April 1545 birth:

6 October 1573 child birth: Midhurst, Sussex (England), Cowdray House, Henry Wriothesley [Wriothesley] b. 6 October 1573 d. 10 November 1624

4 October 1581 death:

[edit] Sources

  1. Huguenot pedigrees, Volume 1 By Charles E. Lart - Wriothesley seems to have been a name of Eastern European origin and rendered Wrioteski in the French Huguenot records.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Thomas Wriothesley
birth: 21 December 1505
death: 30 July 1550
== 2 ==
Mary Browne
birth: 22 July 1552
death: 4 November 1607
Henry Wriothesley (Wrioteski)
birth: 24 April 1545
death: 4 October 1581
== 2 ==
Elizabeth Vernon
birth: 1572, Hodnet (Shropshire), England
death: 23 November 1655, Hodnet (Shropshire), England
Henry Wriothesley
birth: 6 October 1573, Midhurst, Sussex (England), Cowdray House
death: 10 November 1624
Thomas Wriothesley
birth: 10 March 1607
marriage: Elizabeth Leigh , France, Charenton
death: 16 May 1667, England
burial: 18 June 1667, Titchfield, Hampshire (England)
Penelope Wriothesley
birth: 8 November 1598, Titchfield, England
death: 16 July 1667, Brighton (England), Sussex (England)

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