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Ratchis (Aratchis) ? (The Lombard) d. after 757

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Lineage ?
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Ratchis (Aratchis) ?
Other last names The Lombard
Other given names Raditschs, Radics, Radiks

w Pemmo ? (of Friuli) [?] d. 726

Ratperga [?]

Wiki-page wikipedia:Ratchis


marriage: Tassia ? (of Rome) [Gens Daci] b. about 710

between 739 and 744 title: Duke of Friuli

between 744 and 749 title: Dux Lombardia

from 756 - 757 title: Roi des Lombards

after 757 death: Monte Cassino


This record needs sources. Please help this record by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Pemmo ? (of Friuli)
title: between 705 and 726, Dux Friuli
death: 726
== 3 ==
marriage: Gisaltrude ? (Sister of St. Anslem of Friuli)
title: from 749 - 756, Rex Lombardia
title: from 751 - 756, Dux Spoleto
title: from 755 - 756, Dux Friuli
death: December 756
Ratchis (Aratchis) ? (The Lombard)
marriage: Tassia ? (of Rome)
title: between 739 and 744, Duke of Friuli
title: between 744 and 749, Dux Lombardia
title: from 756 - 757, Roi des Lombards
death: after 757, Monte Cassino
== 3 ==

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