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Hachemi Chahed b. 28 June 1944

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Lineage Chahed
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Hachemi Chahed
Other given names Mohamed

Abdelhamid Chahed [Chahed]

Zeineb Boussen [Boussen]


28 June 1944 birth:

marriage: Neila Haddad [Haddad] b. 23 November 1944

19 October 1972 child birth: Abdelhamid Chahed [Chahed] b. 19 October 1972

18 September 1975 child birth: Tunis, w Youssef Chahed [Chahed] b. 18 September 1975

From grandparents to grandchildren

Fattouma Chahed
birth: 1872
marriage: Abdelaziz Annabi
death: 1961
burial: Cimetière du Djellaz, Torbet ANNABI
Touhami Chahed
occupation: Tunis, Notaire et haut fonctionnaire
marriage: Bellamine
Hedi Chahed
marriage: Cherifa Mbazaa
caste: about 1890, Tunis, fonctionnaire (secrétaire-interpréte au control civil)
Mannoubi Boussen
birth: 1867, Tunis, (sources : Dictionnaire illustré de la Tunisie, 1912)
caste: Traducteur et secrétaire particuler du Bey (Hedi Bey ou Naceur Bey)
caste: Ministre de l'Agriculture
marriage: Fatma Arif
Hammouda Boussen
birth: 1881
marriage: Mannana Arif (Emna)
death: 22 June 1954
burial: Cimetière du Djellaz
Laroussi Chahed
birth: 1903, Tunis
occupation: Tunis, Médecin
marriage: Rachida Bahri
Abdelhamid Chahed
marriage: Zeineb Boussen
occupation: 1957, Membre du premier conseil de l'ordre des pharmaciens tunisiens
Sadok Boussen
birth: March 1905, Tunis
marriage: Khadija Bel Arbi
== 3 ==
Neila Haddad
birth: 23 November 1944
marriage: Hachemi Chahed
== 3 ==
Youssef Chahed
birth: 18 September 1975, Tunis
occupation: Homme politique tunisien
marriage: Hella Zahouani
Hedi Chahed
birth: 18 March 2006
Khalil Chahed
birth: 23 July 2008

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