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Theresa Bridgman (Johnson, Stoker)

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Lineage Bridgman
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Theresa Bridgman
Other last names Johnson, Stoker

Ann Hartmann (Bridgman) [Hartmann] b. 27 November 1938

Thomas Junior Bridgman (Bridgeman) [Bridgman] b. 2 June 1936


child birth: Kristen Johnson [Johnson]

child birth: Samantha Johnson [Johnson]

marriage: Douglas Stoker [Stoker]

August marriage: Minor Olin Johnson [Johnson] b. August

From grandparents to grandchildren

William H Hartmann
birth: 14 October 1877, New Jersey, SS# 141-24-2981
death: January 1964
Lousia (Louise) Hartmann
birth: about July 1879
George L Hartmann
birth: 21 September 1882, New Jersey, SS# 149-42-1605
death: 15 August 1968
Margaret Hartmann
birth: 20 June 1886, SS# 153-07-0452
death: August 1964
Helen Victoria Hartmann (Hass)
birth: 24 March 1893, Bordentown (New Jersey)
marriage: Joseph Luther B. Hass , Bordentown (New Jersey)
death: 25 July 1990
Veronica Hartmann
birth: about December 1894
Paul J Hartmann
birth: 1 June 1901, Bordentown (New Jersey)
occupation: 1930, Clerk
marriage: Margaret M Heupel (Hartmann) , Bordentown (New Jersey), Burlington County (New Jersey)
death: 30 June 1971
Elizabeth Heupel (Lathan)
birth: 22 December 1888
marriage: William Lathan
death: 3 July 1974, Bordentown (New Jersey)
William Heupel
birth: about 1890
death: before 1900
Catherine (Katie Mary) Heupel
birth: 25 November 1892, Trenton (New Jersey)
death: before 1900
George J Heupel
birth: 12 March 1897, New York City
marriage: Helen Larson (Heupel)
death: 5 January 1985, Trenton (New Jersey)
Francis L Heupel
birth: 22 November 1904, Trenton (New Jersey)
marriage: Theresa Marie Dupras (Heupel)
death: 6 April 1997, Freehold Borough (New Jersey), CentraState Hospital
Edward Gilbert Heupel
birth: 14 October 1908
marriage: Maria (Babe) De Vaney (Heupel)
death: 16 May 1976
Margaret M Heupel (Hartmann)
birth: 26 August 1901, Trenton (New Jersey)
marriage: Paul J Hartmann , Bordentown (New Jersey), Burlington County (New Jersey)
death: 15 December 1973
Thomas Eshmal Bridgeman
birth: 18 August 1904, Appanoose County (Iowa), SSN 484-07-6574
marriage: Margaret Viola Hopkins (Bridgeman) , Davies, Iowa
death: 29 November 1969, Buried Unionville
Joan Hartmann (Polenta)
birth: 29 October 1931, SS# 144-24-7507
marriage: Frank Polenta
death: 1962
Paul Jr Hartmann
birth: 10 August
Ann Hartmann (Bridgman)
birth: 27 November 1938, Trenton (New Jersey)
marriage: Thomas Junior Bridgman (Bridgeman) , Trenton (New Jersey)
Thelma Irene Bridgeman
birth: 20 March 1924, Davies, Iowa
Thomas Junior Bridgman (Bridgeman)
birth: 2 June 1936, Floris (Iowa), Iowa
marriage: Ann Hartmann (Bridgman) , Trenton (New Jersey)
== 3 ==
Jennifer Lynn Bridgman (Muller)
birth: 16 February 1973, Ottumwa (Iowa), Iowa
marriage: Joshua Muller , Bloomfield (Iowa), Davis County (Iowa)
== 3 ==

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