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Konstanze von Schlesien-Ratibor b. 1 September 1286 d. 1351

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Lineage Piasten
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Konstanze von Schlesien-Ratibor

w Primislaus von Ratibor [Piasten] b. 21 October 1258 d. 7 May 1306

Anna von Masowien [Masowien] b. 1270 d. 13 July 1324



1 September 1286 birth: Krakau, Polen

1351 death: Wodzisław Śląski, Schlesien, Polen, Przypuszczalne miejsce pochówku to Klasztor Dominikanek w Raciborzu.


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From grandparents to grandchildren

Євфимія Євфросинія Опольська
birth: 1230, Польське королівство
marriage: Kazimierz I Kujawski
death: 4 November 1292, Польське королівство
Mieszko II von Oppeln-Ratibor
birth: about 1220
marriage: Judyta (Judith) Mazowiecka
death: 22 October 1246
Владислав I Силезский
birth: about 1225, Слупск, Поморье, Польша
title: князь силезско-опольский.
marriage: Euphemia Odonicówna Odonic
death: between 13 November 1281 and 13 November 1282
Boleslaus Piast (the Pious)
birth: between 1224 and 1227
marriage: Иоланда Арпад
title: from 1241 - 1247, князь Познани
title: from 1241 - 1247, князь Гнезно
title: from 1244 - 1249, князь Калиша
title: from 1249 - 1250, князь Гнезно
title: from 1253 - 1279, князь Калиша
title: from 1253 - 1279, князь Гнезно
title: from 1271 - 1273, князь Иноврацлава
death: between 13 April 1279 and 14 April 1279
burial: Кафедральный собор Святых Петра и Павла (Познань)
Przemysł I von Großpolen
birth: between 5 June 1220 and 4 June 1221
marriage: Elisabeth von Breslau
death: 4 June 1257
Euphemia Odonicówna Odonic
birth: between 1224 and 1239, Posen, Wielkopolskie, Polen
marriage: Владислав I Силезский
death: 15 February 1287
Konstancia Beatrycza Glogau
birth: between 1265 and 1286, Racibórz, Opole, Polen
death: 1351
Мешко I Силезско-Цешинский
birth: between 1252 and 1256
title: from 1282 - 1290, Князь Рацибужский
title: from 1290 - 27 August 1315, Князь Тешинский
death: before 27 August 1315, Тешин
Kasimir II von Beuthen
birth: between 1256 and 1257
marriage: Helena
title: from 1282 - 1284, князь Опольский
death: 10 March 1312
Bolko I von Schlesien-Oppeln
birth: before 21 October 1258
marriage: Agnes
death: 14 May 1313
Primislaus von Ratibor
birth: 21 October 1258
marriage: Anna von Masowien
death: 7 May 1306, Racibórz, Schlesien, Polen
Anna von Masowien
birth: 1270
marriage: Primislaus von Ratibor
death: 13 July 1324
== 3 ==
Lestko von Ratibor
birth: 1290
death: 1336
Konstanze von Schlesien-Ratibor
birth: 1 September 1286, Krakau, Polen
death: 1351, Wodzisław Śląski, Schlesien, Polen, Przypuszczalne miejsce pochówku to Klasztor Dominikanek w Raciborzu.
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