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Friedrich Hund b. 1896

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Lineage Hund
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Friedrich Hund
Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Friedrich Hund


1896 birth:

1932 child birth: Leipzig, w Gerhard Friedrich Hund [Hund] b. 1932

1933 child birth: Dietrich Hund [Hund] b. 1933

1934 child birth: Irmgard Hund [Hund] b. 1934

1937 child birth: Martin Hund [Hund] b. 1937

1940 child birth: Andreas Hund [Hund] b. 1940

1941 child birth: Erwin Hund [Hund] b. 1941

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
Friedrich Hund
birth: 1896
== 1 ==
Dietrich Hund
birth: 1933
Irmgard Hund
birth: 1934
Martin Hund
birth: 1937
Andreas Hund
birth: 1940
Erwin Hund
birth: 1941
Barbara Hund
birth: 1959
Isabel Hund
birth: 1962

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