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Agnès Lemoine

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Lineage Lemoine
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Agnès Lemoine


marriage: 'Pierre' François Brotonne [Brotonne]

27 January 1777 child birth: Seux (80), Pierre Joseph Brotonne [Brotonne] b. 27 January 1777

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 1 ==
== 1 ==
Marie Françoise Honorine Marchant
birth: 10 February 1771, Creil (60)
marriage: Pierre Joseph Brotonne , Seux (80), 17 vendémiaire an 12
Marie 'Clotilde' Berneuil
marriage: Pierre Joseph Brotonne , Seux (80), 29 fructidor an 6
death: 8 February 1801, Seux (80), 19 pluviôse an 9
Pierre Joseph Brotonne
birth: 27 January 1777, Seux (80)
occupation: couvreur en chaume en 1798, couvreur en 1801, 1803
marriage: Marie 'Clotilde' Berneuil , Seux (80), 29 fructidor an 6
marriage: Marie Françoise Honorine Marchant , Seux (80), 17 vendémiaire an 12
'Charles' Joseph Brotonne
birth: 1 September 1804, Seux (80), né le 14 fructidor an 12
occupation: cultivateur en 1836, cultivateur fermier en 1851
marriage: Angélique Bourgeois

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