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Anne Petitjean b. 8 July 1688 d. 2 October 1689

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Lineage Petitjean
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Anne Petitjean

Jean Petitjean [Petitjean] b. before 1656 d. before 1696

Claude Jacquot (Mangeon, Febvre) [Jacquot]



8 July 1688 birth: Housseras (88)

8 July 1688 baptism: Housseras (88)

2 October 1689 death: Housseras (88)

2 October 1689 burial: Housseras (88)




  1. Baptême - Template:Housseras (88) 1663-1792 - Edpt248 (BMS)
  2. Inhumation - HOUSSERAS / Registres paroissiaux (1526-1792) (BMS) / 1689 - 1694 / 10NUM40950/EDPT248/GG_1 - vue 4/23

From grandparents to grandchildren

???? Petitjean
birth: about 1620
???? Petitjean
birth: about 1650
Jean Petitjean
birth: before 1656
marriage: Claude Jacquot (Mangeon, Febvre)
death: before 1696
Dominique Thierry
birth: about 1650, Housseras (88)
marriage: Marion ????
marriage: Toussaine Humbert , Housseras (88)
marriage: Claude Jacquot (Mangeon, Febvre) , Housseras (88)
death: March 1713, Housseras (88)
burial: March 1713, Housseras (88)
Claude Jacquot (Mangeon, Febvre)
marriage: Jean Petitjean
other: 25 March 1675, Housseras (88), Marraine de [[Personne:623036]]
marriage: Dominique Thierry , Housseras (88)
== 3 ==
Claude Petitjean
birth: 2 June 1676, Housseras (88), Villaume Fontaine
baptism: 2 June 1676, Housseras (88)
marriage: Barbe Dupont
marriage: Marguerite Mathis , Housseras (88)
Joseph Petitjean
birth: 29 April 1678, Housseras (88), Villaume Fontaine
baptism: 29 April 1678, Housseras (88)
Nicolas Petitjean
birth: 19 April 1680, Housseras (88)
baptism: 19 April 1680, Housseras (88)
Marie Petitjean
birth: 1 March 1682, Housseras (88), Villaume Fontaine
baptism: 1 March 1682, Housseras (88)
Sébastien Petitjean
birth: 22 June 1684, Housseras (88)
baptism: 22 June 1684, Housseras (88)
Jeanne Petitjean
birth: 12 February 1686, Housseras (88), Villaume Fontaine
baptism: 13 February 1686, Housseras (88)
marriage: Jean Jacques Thierry , Housseras (88), [[Catégorie:Porteurs du patronyme "Petitjean" à Housseras (88)|*|1705]]
death: 23 January 1748, Housseras (88)
burial: 24 January 1748, Housseras (88)
Anne Petitjean
birth: 8 July 1688, Housseras (88)
baptism: 8 July 1688, Housseras (88)
death: 2 October 1689, Housseras (88)
burial: 2 October 1689, Housseras (88)
== 3 ==

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