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Henryk Meller b. 3 July 1928

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Lineage Mellerowie
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Henryk Meller

Wanda Jarosz (Meller) [Jarosz]

Jan Meller [Mellerowie]


3 July 1928 birth: Poland

25 December 1954 marriage: Zdzisława Meller [Poślednicy] b. 28 September 1928 d. 30 December 1999

1958 child birth: Krzysztof Meller [Mellerowie] b. 1958 d. 1958

23 June 1960 child birth: Poznań, Poland, Dorota ? (Szymanska, Mellerowie) [?] b. 23 June 1960

1964 child birth: Wojciech Meller [Mellerowie] b. 1964 d. 1966

From grandparents to grandchildren

== 2 ==
Zdzisława Meller
birth: 28 September 1928, Poland
marriage: Henryk Meller
death: 30 December 1999, Poznań, Poland
Henryk Meller
birth: 3 July 1928, Poland
marriage: Zdzisława Meller
== 2 ==
Zbyszko Szyamanski
birth: 21 January 1961, Poznań, Poland
marriage: Dorota ? (Szymanska, Mellerowie) , Poznań, Poland
Dorota ? (Szymanska, Mellerowie)
birth: 23 June 1960, Poznań, Poland
marriage: Zbyszko Szyamanski , Poznań, Poland
Krzysztof Meller
birth: 1958
death: 1958
Wojciech Meller
birth: 1964
death: 1966
Krzysztof Szymański
birth: 20 February 1990, Poznań, Polska
education: between 1 September 1997 and June 2003, SP2 im. Henryka Sienkiewicza w Murowanej Goślinie, Polska
education: between 1 September 2003 and June 2006, GM2 im. Jana Kochanowskiego w Murowanej Goślinie, Polska
education: between 4 September 2006 and June 2009, I LO im. Dezyderego Chłapowskiego w Bolechowie, Polska
other: 25 May 2007, j. Wojnówko
Michał Szymański
birth: 13 June 1983, Poznań, Poland

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