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Claude Vincent b. about 1652 d. 29 May 1740

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Lineage Vincent
Sex Male
Full name (at birth) Claude Vincent

Claude Vincent [Vincent] b. about 1623 d. 26 January 1703

Jeanne Pillat (Pillot, Peillot) [Pillat] b. about 1628 d. 6 April 1698


about 1652 birth: Morville-sur-Seille (54)

about 1685 marriage: Antoinette Dezavelle [Dezavelle] b. about 1653

about 1690 child birth: Morville-sur-Seille (54), Anne Vincent (Épouse de Dominique Darmois) [Vincent] b. about 1690 d. 11 February 1765

29 May 1740 death: Morville-sur-Seille (54)

From grandparents to grandchildren

Claudin Vincent
birth: about 1598, Cheminot (57)
occupation: manoeuvre
marriage: Pentecôte Pillat (Pillot) , Longeville-lès-Cheminot (57)
death: about 1655, Cheminot (57)
Pentecôte Pillat (Pillot)
birth: about 1600, Longeville-lès-Cheminot (57)
marriage: Claudin Vincent , Longeville-lès-Cheminot (57)
death: 1627, Longeville-lès-Cheminot (57)
Nicolas Pillot (Pillat, Peillot)
birth: about 1602, Longeville-lès-Cheminot (57)
occupation: laboureur
marriage: Barbe Chevreux
death: 10 April 1669, Louvigny (57)
Claude Vincent
birth: about 1623, Cheminot (57)
occupation: laboureur
marriage: Jeanne Pillat (Pillot, Peillot) , Metz (57), Saint Simplice
death: 26 January 1703, Morville-sur-Seille (54)
Jeanne Pillat (Pillot, Peillot)
birth: about 1628
marriage: Claude Vincent , Metz (57), Saint Simplice
death: 6 April 1698, Morville-sur-Seille (54)
== 3 ==
Claude Vincent
birth: about 1652, Morville-sur-Seille (54)
marriage: Antoinette Dezavelle
death: 29 May 1740, Morville-sur-Seille (54)
== 3 ==
Dominique Darmois (Darmoy)
birth: about 1690, Éply (54)
marriage: Anne Vincent (Épouse de Dominique Darmois) , Éply (54)
death: 21 January 1762, Éply (54)
Anne Vincent (Épouse de Dominique Darmois)
birth: about 1690, Morville-sur-Seille (54)
marriage: Jean Brionne , Morville-sur-Seille
marriage: Dominique Darmois (Darmoy) , Éply (54)
death: 11 February 1765, Éply (54)
Jean Benoit (Benoist)
birth: 16 November 1704, Éply (54)
occupation: laboureur
marriage: Madeleine Darmois (Darmoy) , Éply (54)
Madeleine Darmois (Darmoy)
birth: 3 February 1729, Éply (54)
marriage: Jean Benoit (Benoist) , Éply (54)
death: 25 February 1804, Blénod-lès-Pont-à-Mousson (54), ou 5 ventôse an 12

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