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Lady Mary Fitzrichard b. 1110 d. 1162

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Lineage Fitzrichard
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Lady Mary Fitzrichard

Richard Fitzlosoard [Fitzrichard] b. 1084 d. 1150

Spouse Richard ? (Fitzlosoard) [?] b. 1090


1110 birth: Rigsby (Lincolnshire), England

1135 marriage: Rigsby (Lincolnshire), England, Jollan Alan DeNeville [Neville] b. about 1100

1140 child birth: Rolleston (Nottinghamshire), England, Jollan Neville [Neville] b. 1140 d. 1209

1162 death:


This record needs sources. Please help this record by adding reliable references. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Losoard DeLincoln
birth: 1058, Lincolnshire (England)
marriage: Spouse Losoard ? (DeLincoln) , Lincolnshire (England)
Spouse Losoard ? (DeLincoln)
birth: 1062, Lincolnshire (England)
marriage: Losoard DeLincoln , Lincolnshire (England)
Richard Fitzlosoard
birth: 1084, Lincolnshire (England)
marriage: Spouse Richard ? (Fitzlosoard) , Lincolnshire (England)
death: 1150, England
Spouse Richard ? (Fitzlosoard)
birth: 1090, Rigsby (Lincolnshire), England
marriage: Richard Fitzlosoard , Lincolnshire (England)
== 3 ==
Jollan Alan DeNeville
birth: about 1100, Hawksworth (Nottinghamshire), England
marriage: Lady Mary Fitzrichard , Rigsby (Lincolnshire), England
death: Rigsby (Lincolnshire), England
Lady Mary Fitzrichard
birth: 1110, Rigsby (Lincolnshire), England
marriage: Jollan Alan DeNeville , Rigsby (Lincolnshire), England
death: 1162
== 3 ==
Amfelicia De Rolleston
birth: 1150, Rolleston (Nottinghamshire), England
marriage: Jollan Neville , Rolleston (Nottinghamshire), England
death: 1219
Jollan Neville
birth: 1140, Rolleston (Nottinghamshire), England
marriage: Amfelicia De Rolleston , Rolleston (Nottinghamshire), England
death: 1209, Rolleston (Nottinghamshire), England
Maud Beauchamp
birth: 1191, Assington, Suffolk (England)
marriage: Jollan Neville , Assington, Suffolk (England)
death: 1228, Assington, Suffolk (England)
Jollan Neville
birth: 1187, Yorkshire (England)
marriage: Maud Beauchamp , Assington, Suffolk (England)
death: 1246, Yorkshire (England)

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