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Zofia Apostoł (Dolgorukowa)

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Lineage Apostołowie
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Zofia Apostoł
Other last names Dolgorukowa

Petro Danilovitch Apostol [Apostol] d. 1758

N N Храповицкая (Апостол) [Храповицкие] d. 1760


marriage: Petr Sergeyevich Dolgorukov [Dolgorukow] b. 1718 d. 1773

1741 child birth: Russisches Kaiserreich, Iakov Petrovitch Dolgorukov [Dolgorukow] b. 1741 d. 1797

1742 child birth: Empire russe, Anna Petrovna Dolgoroukov [Dolgoroukov] b. 1742 d. 8 July 1789

18 May 1744 child birth: Petr Petrovitch Dolgorukov [Dolgorukov] b. 18 May 1744 d. 25 February 1815


  • Traduit de la fiche russe

Elle fut la petite-fille de l'Hetman Danylo (Daniil) Apostol.

From grandparents to grandchildren

Василий Павлович Апостол
death: before 1702, согласно Модзалевскому
Danylo Apostol
birth: 14 December 1654, Welyki Sorotschynzi, Ukraine
title: ordre de Saint-Alexandre Nevski
marriage: Juliana Iskricka (Apostoł)
death: 28 January 1734, Welyki Sorotschynzi, Ukraine
Анастасія Данилівна Апостол (Кочубей)
marriage: Vassili Vassilievitch Kotchoubeï , 1
death: before 1719, Гетьманщина, Руське царство
Petro Danilovitch Apostol
marriage: N N Храповицкая (Апостол)
death: 1758, Saint-Pétersbourg, gouvernement de Saint-Pétersbourg de l'Empire russe
== 3 ==
Данило Петрович Апостол
birth: 1727
marriage: Марина Михайловна Будлянская
military service: from 1762 - 1767, хорунжий генеральный
== 3 ==
Anastasia Simonovna Lapteva (Dolgorukova)
birth: 1755
title: princesse par mariage
marriage: Petr Petrovitch Dolgorukov
death: 6 April 1827
Petr Petrovitch Dolgorukov
birth: 18 May 1744
title: prince
marriage: Anastasia Simonovna Lapteva (Dolgorukova)
death: 25 February 1815
Iakov Petrovitch Dolgorukov
birth: 1741, Russisches Kaiserreich
title: Russisches Kaiserreich, Prinz
marriage: Єлизавета Федорівна Дубянська (Долгорукова)
death: 1797, Russisches Kaiserreich
Andrej Aleksandrovich Bestuschew-Rjumin
birth: 1726, oder 1728
occupation: [[echter Kammerherr]]
children count: kinderlos
title: 25 April 1742, Graf
occupation: 22 February 1746, Kammer-Junker des Obersten Gerichts
marriage: Авдотья Даниловна Разумовская (Бестужева-Рюмина) , 1-я жена
occupation: 22 September 1762, 03.10.1762 - [[echter Geheimrat]]
engagement: Anna Petrovna Dolgoroukov , 1
marriage: Anna Petrovna Dolgoroukov , 1
death: before 1768
Anna Petrovna Dolgoroukov
birth: 1742, Empire russe
title: princesse par naissance
title: comtesse par le 1er et 2ème mariage
engagement: Andrej Aleksandrovich Bestuschew-Rjumin , 1
marriage: Andrej Aleksandrovich Bestuschew-Rjumin , 1
marriage: Christian Ludwig Casimir zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg
death: 8 July 1789
Сергій Васильович Толстий
birth: 27 October 1771, Російська імперія
marriage: Elena Petrovna Dolgorukova (Tolstaya)
death: 6 March 1823, Російська імперія
Petr Petrovich Dolgorukov
birth: 19 December 1777
title: Prince
death: 8 December 1806
burial: Saint Petersburg, Alexander Nevsky Lavra
Mihail Petrovich Dolgorukov
birth: 18 November 1780
death: 15 October 1808, Battle of Virta Bridge
Олександр Якович Долгоруков
birth: 1768, Russisches Kaiserreich
death: 1788, Russisches Kaiserreich
Petr Iakovlievitch Dolgoroukov
birth: 1774, Russisches Kaiserreich
title: Prinz
death: 1854
Олександра Яківна Княжна Долгорукова (Гіршфельд)
birth: 1772, Russisches Kaiserreich
title: Russisches Kaiserreich, Prinzessin

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