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William Beauchamp b. about 1760 d. before 12 March 1836
From Rodovid EN
Lineage | Beauchamp |
Sex | Male |
Full name (at birth) | William Beauchamp |
♂ Fountain (Fontaine) Beauchamp [Beauchamp] b. 1727 d. before 6 August 1782 |
about 1760 birth: Somerset County (Maryland), Thirteen Colonies
about 1782 child birth: Maryland, USA, ♂ John W. Beauchamp [Beauchamp] b. about 1782 d. after 1850
before 12 March 1836 death: Meriwether County (Georgia), USA
Georgia Meriwether County In the name of God Amen I, William Beachamp of the county and state aforesaid being of sound mind and disposing memory and knowing life is uncertain, do make this my last will and Testament, in doing which first of all I recommend my soul to God who gave it hoping at his hands to receive eternal life through the merits of his Son Jesus Christ my Redemer. In disposing of my estate, I give and bequeath to my Wife Sarah Beachamp the lot of land I now live on, also a negro Man by the name of Moses, a negro Woman by the name of Judy, and a negro Woman by the name of Mary, also my household and Kichen furniture, my plantation tools, also my Horse Mace + mule Colt, also my Stock of Cattle + horses with any other property I may have not here named, during her natural life or widowhood, And if she marries then my Will is that all my estate be equally divided amongst my young set of children which was born by my wife Sarah, to wit William, Malissa, Daniel, David + Elijah allowing my Wife an equal share with my children as named or such of then that may be living + if my Wife die then my Will is my property be divided amongst my young set of children as named above equally share and share alike + if any of my children should die before arriving at age then, my Will is that his or their portion of property be divided amongst those living of my young set of chidren as named in this my Will. And I do alstly constitute and appoint my Wife Sarah Beachamp my Executrix to execute this my last Will and Testament. In testimony of which I have hereto set my hand and seal this the twelth day of November in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty five. Signed sealed and acknowledged before Robert B. Dark { his Thomas Porch { William X Beachamp Levi M. Adams { mark Georgia } Personally appointed in open Court Meriwether County } the Inferior court sitting for Ordinary purposes Robert B. Dark, Thomas Porch, + Levi M. Adams who being duly sworn depose and say that thy witnessed the above last Will + Testiment of William Beachamp, now deceased + saw the same duly execued as it purports in terms of the Law. Sworn and subscribed { in open Court before us { Robert B. Dark March 12th 1836 { Thomas Porch W. B. Ector J.J.C. { Levi M. Adams James Render J.J.C. { Jacob B. Hogue J.J.C. { Levi M. Adams C.C.O. { Recorded 16th day of March 1836 Levi M. Adams
From grandparents to grandchildren
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