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Dorothea Schlözer (фон Роде-Шлецер) b. 18 August 1770 d. 12 July 1825

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Lineage Schlözer
Sex Female
Full name (at birth) Dorothea Schlözer
Other last names фон Роде-Шлецер

August Ludwig von Schlözer [Schlözer] b. 5 July 1735 d. 9 September 1809

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Dorothea_Schlözer


18 August 1770 birth:

child birth: Августа Родде [Родде]

child birth: Август Людвиг Родде [Родде]

child birth: Доротея Родде [Родде]

marriage: Mattheus Rodde [Rodde] b. 1754 d. 14 December 1825

12 July 1825 death:


Rodde, Dorothea von – (1770 – 1824) German philosopher

Dorothea von Schlozer was born (Aug 18, 1770) in Gottingen, the daughter of August Ludwig von Schlozer, the noted lawyer and historian. She studied geometry early in childhood, and became proficient in many languages. Such was her education that Dorothea was granted a doctorate in philosophy (1787) from the University of Gottingen after a verbal examination, becoming the first German woman to achieve such a distinction. She was married (1792) to the Baron von Rodde of Lubeck, to whom she bore three children. Dorothea established her own salon in Lubeck which was visited by the noted translator Johann Heinrich Voss, and the French scholar Charles de Villers. Dorothea von Rodde died (July 12, 1825) aged fifty-four, in Avignon, Provence, France.

From grandparents to grandchildren

August Ludwig von Schlözer
birth: 5 July 1735, Яхтштадт, Франконское герцогство, Святое Римское царство
death: 9 September 1809, Прусское королевство, Святое Римское царство
== 3 ==
Dorothea Schlözer (Rodde)
birth: 18 August 1774
death: 1831
== 3 ==

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